Pac-Man and Games for Girls

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

In the beginning video games were for boys…and then came Pac-Man.

Pac-man eating dots
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Before mobile games, game consoles and PC based games, video games first took off in arcades. Arcade games were very big earning 39 billion dollars at their peak in the 1980s. Games were loaded into bespoke coin-operated arcade machines. For a game to do well someone had to buy the machines, whether actual gaming arcades or bars, cafes, colleges, shopping malls, … Then someone had to play them. Originally boys played arcade games the most and so games were targeted at them. Most games had a focus on shooting things: games like asteroids and space invaders or had some link to sports based on the original arcade game Pong. Girls were largely ignored by the designers… But then came Pac-Man. 

Pac-Man, created by a team led by Toru Iwatani,  is a maze game where the player controls the Pac-Man character as it moves around a maze, eating dots while being chased by the ghosts: Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. Special power pellets around the maze, when eaten, allow Pac-Man to chase the ghosts for a while instead of being chased.

Pac-Man ultimately made around $19 million dollars in today’s money making it the biggest money making video arcade game of all time. How did it do it? It was the first game that was played by more females than males. It showed that girls would enjoy playing games if only the right kind of games were developed. Suddenly, and rather ironically given its name, there was a reason for the manufacturers to take notice of girls, not just boys.

A Pac-man like ghost
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

It revolutionised games in many ways, showing the potential of different kinds of features to give it this much broader appeal. Most obviously Pac-Man did this by turning the tide away from shoot-em up space games and sports games to action games where characters were the star of the game, and that was one of its inventor Toru Iwatani’s key aims. To play you control Pac-Man rather than just a gun, blaster, tennis racket or golf club. It paved the way for Donkey Kong, Super Mario, and the rest (so if you love Mario and all his friends, then thank Pac-Man). Ultimately, it forged the path for the whole idea of avatars in games too. 

It was the first game to use power ups where, by collecting certain objects, the character gains extra powers for a short time. The ghosts were also characters controlled by simple AI – they didn’t just behave randomly or follow some fixed algorithm controlling their path, but reacted to what the player does, and each had their own personality in the way they behaved.

Because of its success, maze and character-based adventure games became popular among manufacturers, but more importantly designers became more adventurous and creative about what a video game could be. It was also the first big step towards the long road to women being fully accepted to work in the games industry. Not bad for a character based on a combination of a pizza and the Japanese symbol for “mouth”.

Equality, diversity and inclusion in the R Project: collaborative community coding & curating with Dr Heather Turner

You might not think of a programming language like Python or Scratch as being an ‘ecosystem’ but each language has its own community of people who create and improve its code, flush out the bugs, introduce new features, document any changes and write the ‘how to’ guides for new users. 

The logo for the R project.

R is one such programming language. It’s named after its two co-inventors (Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman) and is used by around two million people around the world. People working in all sorts of jobs and industries (for example finance, academic research, government, data journalists) use R to analyse their data. The software has useful tools to help people see patterns in their data and to make sense of that information. 

It’s also open source which means that anyone can use it and help to improve it, a bit like Wikipedia where anyone can edit an article or write a new one. That’s generally a good thing because it means everyone can contribute but it can also bring problems. Imagine writing an essay about an event at your school and sharing it with your class. Then imagine your classmates adding paragraphs of their own about the event, or even about different events. Your essay could soon become rather messy and you’d need to re-order things, take bits out and make sure people hadn’t repeated something that someone had already said (but in a slightly different way). 

When changes are made to software people also want to keep a note not just of the ‘words’ added (the code) but also to make a note of who added what and when. Keeping good records, also known as documentation, helps keep things tidy and gives the community confidence that the software is being properly looked after.

Code and documentation can easily become a bit chaotic when created by different people in the community so there needs to be a core group of people keeping things in order. Fortunately there is – the ‘R Core Team’, but these days its membership doesn’t really reflect the community of R users around the world. R was first used in universities, particularly by more privileged statistics professors from European countries and North America (the Global North), and so R’s development tended to be more in line with their academic interests. R needs input and ideas from a more diverse group of active developers and decision-makers, in academia and beyond to ensure that the voices of minoritised groups are included. Also the voices of younger people, particularly as many of the current core group are approaching retirement age.

Dr Heather Turner from the University of Warwick is helping to increase the diversity of those who develop and maintain the R programming language and she’s been given funding by the EPSRC* to work on this. Her project is a nice example of someone who is bringing together two different areas in her work. She is mixing software development (tech skills) with community management (people skills) to support a range of colleagues who use R and might want to contribute to developing it in future, but perhaps don’t feel confident to do so yet

Development can involve things like fixing bugs, helping to improve the behaviour or efficiency of programs or translating error messages that currently appear on-screen in the English language into different languages. Heather and her colleagues are working with the R community to create a more welcoming environment for ‘newbies’ that encourages participation, particularly from people who are in the community but who are not currently represented or under-represented by the core group and she’s working collaboratively with other community organisations such as R-Ladies, LatinR and RainbowR. Another task she’s involved in is producing an easier-to-follow ‘How to develop R’ guide.

There are also people who work in universities but who aren’t academics (they don’t teach or do research but do other important jobs that help keep things running well) and some of them use R too and can contribute to its development. However their contributions have been less likely to get the proper recognition or career rewards compared with those made by academics, which is a little unfair. That’s largely because of the way the academic system is set up. 

Generally it’s academics who apply for funding to do new research, they do the research and then publish papers in academic journals on the research that they’ve done and these publications are evidence of their work. But the important work that supporting staff do in maintaining the software isn’t classified as new research so doesn’t generally make it into the journals, so their contribution can get left out. They also don’t necessarily get the same career support or mentoring for their development work. This can make people feel a bit sidelined or discouraged. 

Logo for the Society of Research Software Engineering

To try and fix this and to make things fairer the Society of Research Software Engineering was created to champion a new type of job in computing – the Research Software Engineer (RSE). These are people whose job is to develop and maintain (engineer) the software that is used by academic researchers (sometimes in R, sometimes in other languages). The society wants to raise awareness of the role and to build a community around it. You can find out what’s needed to become an RSE below. 

Heather is in a great position to help here too, as she has a foot in each camp – she’s both an Academic and a Research Software Engineer. She’s helping to establish RSEs as an important role in universities while also expanding the diversity of people involved in developing R further, for its long-term sustainability.

Further reading

*Find out more about Heather’s EPSRC-funded Fellowship: “Sustainability and EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) in the R Project” and 

Find out more about the job of the Research Software Engineer and the Society of Research Software Engineering 

Example job packs / adverts

Below are some examples of RSE jobs (these vacancies have now closed but you can read about what they were looking for and see if it might interest you in the future).

Note that these documents are written for quite a technical audience – the people who’d apply for the jobs will have studied computer science for many years and will be familiar with how computing skills can be applied to different subjects.

1. The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) wanted four Research Software Engineers (who’d be working either in Warrington or Oxford) on a chemistry-related project (‘computational chemistry’ – “a branch of chemistry that uses computer simulation to assist in solving chemical problems”) 

2. The University of Cambridge was looking for a Research Software Engineer to work in the area of climate science – “Computational modelling is at the core of climate science, where complex models of earth systems are a routine part of the scientific process, but this comes with challenges…”

3. University College London (UCL) wanted a Research Software Engineer to work in the area of neuroscience (studying how the brain works, in this case by analysing the data from scientists using advanced microscopy).

EPSRC supports this blog through research grant EP/W033615/1.

Cartoons, comics and computer games – Ada Lovelace’s graphic novel

by Jane Waite, Queen Mary University of London

In 2009 for Ada Lovelace day, a comic strip about Ada and Babbage was created, not quite 100% historically accurate but certainly in the spirit of Lovelace’s love of science and mathematics. Her thrilling adventures in Victorian London have now become a graphic novel.

Image by Andrew Martin from Pixabay

In her own time, Ada was captured as a demure and beautiful young woman in portraits and sketches that were shared in books about her father. Ada would have sat for hours to have her portrait drawn, but she would have known about quick draw cartoons. Newspapers and magazines such as Punch contained satirical cartoons of the day. They were very influential in the 1840’s. Faraday was drawn in Punch, but Babbage and Lovelace didn’t make it then. But now they are crime busting mathematical superheros in their very own alternate history of computing comic book.

Books, films, even a musical have been created about Ada Lovelace, but as we write the circle has not quite been closed. There are no computer games about Ada. But maybe you could change that.

Further reading

The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage: The (Mostly) True Story of the First Computer by Sydney Padua.

This article was first published on the original CS4FN website and a copy can be found on page 17 of issue 20 of the CS4FN magazine, which celebrates the work of Ada Lovelace. You can also read some of our other posts about Ada Lovelace and she features as one of our Women in Computing poster set.

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Threads & Yarns – textiles and electronics

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London, from June 2011

At first sight nothing could be more different than textiles and electronics. Put opposites together and you can maybe even bring historical yarns to life. That’s what Queen Mary’s G.Hack team helped do. They are an all-woman group of electronic engineering and computer science research students and they helped build an interactive art installation combining textiles and personal stories about health.

In June 2011 the G.Hack team was asked by Jo Morrison and Rebecca Hoyes from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design to help make their ‘Threads & Yarns‘ artwork interactive. It was commissioned by the Wellcome Trust as a part of their 75th Anniversary celebrations. They wanted to present personal accounts about the changes that have taken place in health and well-being over the 75 years since they were founded.

A flower from a Threads and Yarns event Photo credit: Jo Morrison
Continue reading “Threads & Yarns – textiles and electronics”

3D models in motion

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London
based on a 2016 talk by Lourdes Agapito

The cave paintings in Lascaux, France are early examples of human culture from 15,000 BC. There are images of running animals and even primitive stop motion sequences – a single animal painted over and over as it moves. Even then, humans were intrigued with the idea of capturing the world in motion! Computer scientist Lourdes Agapito is also captivated by moving images. She is investigating whether it’s possible to create algorithms that allow machines to make sense of the moving world around them just like we do. Over the last 10 years her team have shown, rather spectacularly, that the answer is yes.

People have been working on this problem for years, not least because the techniques are behind the amazing realism of CGI characters in blockbuster movies. When we see the world, somehow our brain turns all that information about colour and intensity of light hitting our eyes into a scene we make sense of – we can pick out different objects and tell which are in front and which behind, for example. In the 1950s psychophysics* researcher Gunnar Johansson showed how our brain does this. He dressed people in black with lightbulbs fastened around their bodies. He then filmed them walking, cycling, doing press-ups, climbing a ladder, all in the dark … with only the lightbulbs visible. He found that people watching the films could still tell exactly what they were seeing, despite the limited information. They could even tell apart two people dancing together, including who was in front and who behind. This showed that we can reconstruct 3D objects from even the most limited of 2D information when it involves motion. We can keep track of a knee, and see it as the same point as it moves around. It also shows that we use lots of ‘prior’ information – knowledge of how the world works – to fill in the gaps.

A motion capture system, image credit: T-tus at English Wikipedia


Film-makers already create 3D versions of actors, but they use shortcuts. The first shortcut makes it easier to track specific points on an actor over time. You fix highly visible stickers (equivalent to Johansson’s light bulbs) all over the actor. These give the algorithms clear points to track. This is a bit of a pain for the actors, though. It also could never be used to make sense of random YouTube or CCTV footage, or whatever a robot is looking at.

The second shortcut is to surround the action with cameras so it’s seen from lots of angles. That makes it easier to track motion in 3D space, by linking up the points. Again this is fine for a movie set, but in other situations it’s impractical.

A third shortcut is to create a computer model of an object in advance. If you are going to be filming an elephant, then hand-create a 3D model of a generic elephant first, giving the algorithms something to match. Need to track a banana? Then create a model of a banana instead. This is fine when you have time to create models for anything you might want your computer to spot.

It is all possible for big budget film studios, if a bit inconvenient, but it’s totally impractical anywhere else.

No Shortcuts

Lourdes took on a bigger challenge than the film industry. She decided to do it without the shortcuts: to create moving 3D models from single cameras, applied to any traditional 2D footage, with no pre-placed stickers or fixed models created in advance.

When she started, a dozen or so years ago, making any progress looked incredibly difficult. Now she has largely solved the problem. Her team’s algorithms are even close to doing it all in real time, so making sense of the world as it happens, just like us. They are able to make really accurate models down to details like the subtle movements of their face as a person talks and changes expression.

There are several secrets to their success, but Johansson’s revelation that we rely on prior knowledge is key. One of the first breakthroughs was to come up with ways that individual points in the scene like the tip of a person’s nose could be tracked from one frame of video to the next. Doing this well relies on making good use of prior information about the world. For example, points on a surface are usually well-behaved in that they move together. That can be used to guess where a point might be in the next frame, given where others are.

The next challenge was to reconstruct all the pixels rather than just a few easy to identify points like the tip of a nose. This takes more processing power but can be done by lots of processors working on different parts of the problem. Key to this was to take account of the smoothness of objects. Essentially a virtual fine 3D mesh is stuck over the object – like a mask over a face – and the mesh is tracked. You can then even stick new stuff on top of the mesh so they move together – adding a moustache, or painting the face with a flag, for example, in a way that changes naturally in the video as the face moves.

Once this could all be done, if slowly, the challenge was to increase the speed and accuracy. Using the right prior information was again what mattered. For example, rather than assuming points have constant brightness, taking account of the fact that brightness changes, especially on flexible things like mouths, mattered. Other innovations were to split off the effect of colour from light and shade.

There is lots more to do, but already the moving 3D models created from YouTube videos are very realistic, and being processed almost as they happen. This opens up amazing opportunities for robots; augmented reality that mixes reality with the virtual world; games, telemedicine; security applications, and lots more. It’s all been done a little at a time, taking an impossible-seeming problem and instead of tackling it all at once, solving simpler versions. All the small improvements, combined with using the right information about how the world works, have built over the years into something really special.

*psychophysics is the “subfield of psychology devoted to the study of physical stimuli and their interaction with sensory systems.”

This article was first published on the original CS4FN website and a copy appears on pages 14 and 15 in “The women are (still) here”, the 23rd issue of the CS4FN magazine. You can download a free PDF copy by clicking on the magazine’s cover below, along with all of our free material.

Another article on 3D research is Making sense of squishiness – 3D modelling the natural world (21 November 2022).

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Nurses in the mist

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

(From the archive)

A gorilla hugging a baby gorilla
Image by Angela from Pixabay

What do you do when your boss tells you “go and invent a new product”? Lock yourself away and stare out the window? Go for a walk, waiting for inspiration? Medical device system engineers Pat Baird and Katie Hansbro did some anthropology.

Dian Fossey is perhaps the most famous anthropologist. She spent over a decade living in the jungle with gorillas so that she could understand them in a way no one had done before. She started to see what it was really like to be a gorilla, showing that their fierce King Kong image was wrong and that they are actually gentle giants: social animals with individual personalities and strong family ties. Her book and film, ‘Gorillas in the Mist’, tells the story.

Pat and Katie work for Baxter Healthcare. They are responsible for developing medical devices like the infusion pumps hospitals use to pump drugs into people to keep them alive or reduce their pain. Hospitals don’t buy medical devices like we buy phones, of course. They aren’t bought just because they have lots of sexy new features. Hospitals buy new medical devices if they solve real problems. They want solutions that save lives, or save money, and if possible both! To invent something new that sells you ideally need to solve problems your competitors aren’t even aware of. Challenged to come up with something new, Pat and Katie wondered if, given the equivalent was so productive for Dian Fossey, perhaps immersing themselves in hospitals with nurses would give the advantage their company was after. Their idea was that understanding what it was really like to be a nurse would make a big difference to their ability to design medical devices. That helped with the real problems nurses had rather than those that the sales people said were problems. After all the sales people only talk to the managers, and the managers don’t work on the wards. They were right.

Taking notes

They took a team on a 3-month hospital tour, talking to people, watching them do their jobs and keeping notes of everything. They noted things like the layout of rooms and how big they were, recorded the temperature, how noisy it was, how many flashing lights and so on. They spent a lot of time in the critical care wards where infusion pumps were used the most but they also went to lots of other wards and found the pumps being used in other ways. They didn’t just talk to nurses either. Patients are moved around to have scans or change wards, so they followed them, talking to the porters doing the pushing. They observed the rooms where the devices were cleaned and stored. They looked for places where people were doing ad hoc things like sticking post it note reminders on machines. That might be an opportunity for them to help. They looked at the machines around the pumps. That told them about opportunities for making the devices fit into the bigger tasks the nurses were using them as part of.

The hot Texan summer was a problem

So did Katie and Pat come up with a new product as their boss wanted? Yes. They developed a whole new service that is bringing in the money, but they did much more too. They showed that anthropology brings lots of advantages for medical device companies. One part of Pat’s job, for example, is to troubleshoot when his customers are having problems. He found after the study that, because he understood so much more about how pumps were used, he could diagnose problems more easily. That saved time and money for everyone. For example, touch screen pumps were being damaged. It was because when they were stored together on a shelf their clips were scratching the ones behind. They had also seen patients sitting outside in the ambulance bays with their pumps for long periods smoking. Not their problem, apart from it was Texas and the temperature outside was higher than the safe operating limit of the electronics. Hospitals don’t get that hot so no one imagined there might be a problem. Now they knew.

Porters shouldn’t be missed

Pat and Katie also showed that to design a really good product you had to design for people you might not even think about, never mind talk to. By watching the porters they saw there was a problem when a patient was on lots of drugs each with its own pump. The porter pushing the bed also had to pull along a gaggle of pumps. How do you do that? Drag them behind by the tubes? Maybe the manufacturers can design in a way to make it easy. No one had ever bothered talking to the porters before. After all they are the low paid people, doing the grunt jobs, expected to be invisible. Except they are important and their problems matter to patient safety. The advantages didn’t stop there, either. Because of all that measuring, the company had the raw data to create models of lots of different ward environments that all the team could use when designing. It meant they could explore in a virtual environment how well introducing new technology might fix problems (or even see what problems it would cause).

All in all anthropology was a big success. It turns out observing the detail matters. It gives a commercial advantage, and all that mundane knowledge of what really goes on allowed the designers to redesign their pumps to fix potential problems. That makes the machines more reliable, and saves money on repairs. It’s better for everyone.

Talking to porters, observing cupboards, watching ambulance bays: sometimes it’s the mundane things that make the difference. To be a great systems designer you have to deeply understand all the people and situations you are designing for, not just the power users and the normal situations. If you want to innovate, like Pat and Katie, take a leaf out of Dian Fossey’s book. Try anthropology.

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Screaming Headline Kills!!!

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

(From the archive)

A pile of newspapers
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Most people in hospital get great treatment but if something does go wrong the victims often want something good to come of it. They want to understand why it happened and be sure it won’t happen to anyone else. Medical mistakes can make a big news story though with screaming headlines vilifying those ‘responsible’. It may sell papers but it could also make things worse.

If press and politicians are pressurising hospitals to show they have done something, they may only sack the person who made the mistake. They may then not improve things meaning the same thing could happen again if it was an accident waiting to happen. Worse if we’re too quick to blame and punish someone, other people will be reluctant to report their mistakes, and without that sharing we can’t learn from them. One of the reasons flying is so safe is that pilots always report ‘near misses’ knowing they will be praised for doing so, rather than getting into trouble. It’s far better to learn from mistakes where nothing really bad happens than wait for a tragedy.

Share mistakes to learn from them

Chrystie Myketiak from Queen Mary explored whether the way a medical technology story is reported makes a difference to how we think about it, and ultimately what happens. She analysed news stories about three similar incidents in the UK, America and Canada. She wanted to see what the papers said, but also how they said it. The press often sensationalise stories but Chrystie found that this didn’t always happen. Some news stories did imply that the person who’d made the mistake was the problem (it’s rarely that simple!) but others were more careful to highlight that they were busy people working under stressful conditions and that the mistakes only happened because there were other problems. Regulations in Canada mean the media can’t report on specific details of a story while it is being investigated. Chrystie found that, in the incidents she looked at, that led to much more reasoned reporting. In that kind of environment hospitals are more likely to improve rather than just blame staff. How the hospital handled a case also affected what was written – being open and honest about a problem is better than ignoring requests for comment and pretending there isn’t a problem.

Everyone makes mistakes (if you don’t believe that, the next time you’re at a magic show, make sure none of the tricks fool you!). Often mistakes happen because the system wasn’t able to prevent them. Rather than blame, retrain or sack someone its far better to improve the system. That way something good will come of tragedies.

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Playing the weighting game

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

In the spotlight - bright lights dazzling in circles and stars
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Imagine having a reality TV show where yet again Simon Cowell is looking for talent. This time it’s talent with a difference though, not stars to entertain us but ones with the raw ability to help find webpages. Yes, this time the budding stars are all words. Word Idol is here!

The format is simple. Each week Simon’s aim is to find talented words to create a new group: a group with star quality, a group with meaning. Like any talent competition, there are thousands of entries. Every word in every webpage out there wants to take part. They all have to be judged, but what do the specialist judges look for?

OK, we’re getting carried away. Simon Cowell may not be interested but there is big money in the idea. It’s a talent show that is happening all the time. The aim is to judge the words in each new webpage as it appears so that search engines can find it if ever someone goes looking. The real star of this show isn’t Simon Cowell but a Cambridge professor, Karen Spärck Jones. She came up with the way to judge words.

Karen worked out that to do this kind of judging a computer needs a thesaurus: a book of words. It just lists groups of words that mean the same thing. A computer, Karen realised, could use one to understand what words mean.

There is big money in the idea!

The fact that there are so many ways to say the same thing in human languages, makes it really hard for a computer to understand what we write. That is where a thesaurus comes in. If you ask a computer to search for web pages about whales, for example, it helps to know that, a page that talks about orcas is about whales too. Worse still, most words have more than one meaning, a fact that keeps crossword lovers in business.

Take the following example: “Leona is the new big star of the music business.”

The word ‘star’ here obviously means a celebrity, but how do you know? It could also mean a sun or a shape. The fact that it’s with the word ‘music’ helps you to work out which meaning is right even if you have no idea who or what Leona is. As Karen realised, a computer can also work out the intended meanings of words by the other words used with them. A thesaurus tells it what the critical groupings are, but what Karen wanted was a way a computer could work the thesaurus out for itself and now she had a way.

Her early approach was to write a program that takes lots and lots of documents and make lists of the words that keep appearing close together. If ‘music’ appears with ‘star’ lots then that is a new meaning. After building up a big collection of such lists of linked words, the program can then use it to decide which pages are talking about the same thing and so which ones to suggest when a search is done. So Karen had found the first way to judge whether a word has the right ‘talent’ to go in a group. The more often words appear together the higher the score or ‘weighting’ they should be given. Simple!

The only trouble is it doesn’t really work. That is where Karen’s big insight came. She realised that if two words appear together in a lot of different documents then, surprisingly perhaps, putting them together in a group isn’t actually that useful for finding documents! Do a search and they will just tell you that lots of web pages match. What you really want is to be told of the few web pages that contain the meaning you are looking for, not lots and lots that don’t.

The important word groupings are actually only in a small number of web pages. That suggests they give a very focused meaning. Word groups like that help you narrow down the search. So Karen now had a better way to judge word talent. Give high marks for pairs that do appear together but in as few web pages as possible. Rather than a talent show, it is more like a giant game of the quiz show Pointless where you win if you pick the words few other people did.

That idea was the big breakthrough and led to what is now called IDF weighting. It is the way to judge words, and is so good that it’s now used by pretty much every search engine out there. Playing the IDF weighting game may not make great TV but thanks to Karen it really does make for great web.

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Follow those ants

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

Ants climbing on a mushroom obstacle course
Image by Puckel from Pixabay

Ant colonies are really good at adapting to changing situations: far better than humans. Sameena Shah wondered if Artificial Intelligence agents might do better by learning their intelligent behaviour from ants rather than us. She has suggested we could learn from the ants too.

Inspired by staring at ants adapting to new routes to food in the mud as a child, and then later as adult ants raided her milk powder, Sameena Shah studied for her PhD how a classic problem in computer science, that of finding the shortest path between points in a network, is solved by ant colonies. For ants this involves finding the shortest paths between food and the nest: something they are very good at. When foraging ants find a source of food they leave a pheromone (i.e., scent) trail as they return, a bit like Hansel and Gretel leaving a trail of breadcrumbs. Other ants follow existing trails to find the food as directly as possible, leaving their own trails as they do. Ants mostly follow the trail containing most pheromone, though not always. Because shorter paths are followed more quickly, there and back, they gain more pheromone than longer ones, so yet more ants follow them. This further reinforces the shortest trail as the one to follow.

There are lots of variations on the way ants actually behave. These variations are being explored by computer scientists as ways for AI agents to work together to solve problems. Sameena devised a new algorithm called EigenAnt to investigate such ant colony-based problem solving. If the above ant algorithm is used, then it turns out longer trails do not disappear even when a shorter path is found, particularly if it is found after a long delay. The original best path has a very strong trail so that it continues to be followed even after a new one is found. Computer-based algorithms add a step whereby all trails fade away at the same rate so that only ones still being followed stay around. This is better but still not perfect. Sameena’s EigenAnt algorithm instead removes pheromone trails selectively. Her software ants select paths using probabilities based on the strength of the trail. Any existing trail could be chosen but stronger trails are more likely to be. When a software ant chooses a trail, it adds its own pheromones but also removes some of the existing pheromone from the trail in a way that depends on the probability of the path being chosen in the first place. This mirrors what real ants do, as studies have shown they leave less pheromone on some trails than others.

Sameena proved mathematical properties of her algorithm as well as running simulations of it. This showed that EigenAnt does find the shortest path and never settles on something less than the best. Better still, it also adapts to changing situations. If a new shorter path arises then the software ants switch to it!

Sameena won the award
for the best PhD in India

There are all sorts of computer science uses for this kind of algorithm, such as in ever-changing computer networks, where we always want to route data via the current quickest route. Sameena, however, has also suggested we humans could learn from this rather remarkable adaptability of ants. We are very bad at adapting to new situations, often getting stuck on poor solutions because of our initial biases. The more successful a particular life path has been for us the more likely we will keep following it, behaving in the same way, even when the situation changes. Sameena found this out when she took her dream job as a Hedge Fund manager. It didn’t go well. Since then, after changing tack, she has been phenomenally successful, first developing AIs for news providers, and then more recently for a bank. As she says: don’t worry if your current career path doesn’t lead to success, there are many other paths to follow. Be willing to adapt and you will likely find something better. We need to nurture lots of possible life paths, not just blindly focus on one.

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