Could AI end science?

by Nick Ballou, Oxford Internet Institute

The contents of a book burning
Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay

Scientific fraud is worryingly common, though rarely talked about. It has been happening for years, but now Artificial Intelligence programs could supercharge it. If they do that could undermine Science itself.

Investigators of scientific fraud have found that large numbers of researchers have manipulated their results, invented data, or even produced nonsensical papers in the hope that no one will look closely enough to notice. Often, no one does. The problem is that science is built on the foundation of all the research that has gone before. If we can no longer trust that past research is legitimate, the whole system of science begins to break down. AI has the potential to supercharge this process.

We’re not at that point yet, luckily. But there are concerning signs that generative AI systems like ChatGPT and DALLE-E might bring us closer. By using AI technology, producing fraudulent research has never been easier, faster, or more convincing. To understand, let’s first look at how scientific fraud has been done in the past. 

How fraud happens 

Until recently, fraudsters would need to go through some difficult steps to get a fraudulent research paper published. A typical example might look like this: 

Step 1: invent a title

Fraudsters look for a popular but very broad research topic. We’ll take an example of a group of fraudsters known as the Tadpole Paper Mill. They published papers about cellular biology. To choose a new paper to create, the group would essentially use a simple generator, or algorithm, based on a template. This uses a simple technique first used by Christopher Strachey to write love letters in an early “creative” program in the 1950s.

For each “hole” in the template a word is chosen from a word list.

  1. Pick the name of a molecule
    • Either a protein name, a drug name or an RNA molecule name
    • eg mir-488
  2. Pick a verb
    • From alleviates, attenuates, exerts, …
    • eg inhibits
  3. Pick one or two cellular processes
    • From invasion, migration, proliferation, …
    • eg cell growth and metastasis
  4. Pick a cancer or cell type
    • From lung cancer, ovarian cancer, …
    • eg renal cell carcinoma
  5. Pick a connector word
    • From by, via, through, …
    • eg by
  6. Pick a verb
    • From activating, targeting, …
    • eg targeting
  7. Pick a name
    • Either a pathway, protein or miRNA molecule name
    • eg hMgn5

This produces a complicated-sounding title such as “mir-488 inhibits cell growth and metastasis in renal cell carcinoma by targeting hMgn5”. This is the name of a real fraudulent paper created this way.

Step 2: write the paper

Next, the fraudsters create the text of the paper. To do this, they often just plagiarise and lightly edit previous similar papers, substituting key words in from their invented title perhaps. To try to hide the plagiarism, they automatically swap out words, replacing them with synonyms. This often leads to ridiculous (and kind of hilarious) replacements, like these found in plagiarised papers: 

  • “Big data” –> “Colossal information” 
  • “Cloud computing” –> “Haze figuring”
  • “Developing countries” –> “Creating nations”
  • “Kidney failure” –> “Kidney disappointment”

Step 3: add in the results

Lastly, the fraudsters need to create results for the fake study. These usually appear in papers in the form of images and graphs. To do this, the fraudsters take the results from several previous papers and recombine them into something that looks mostly real, but is just a Frankenstein mess of other results that have nothing to do with the current paper.

A new paper is born

Using that simple formula, fraudsters have produced thousands of fabricated articles in the last 10 years. Even after a vast amount of effort, the dedicated volunteers who are trying to clean up the mess have only caught a handful. 

However, committing fraud like this successfully isn’t exactly easy, either: the fraudsters still need to come up with a research idea, write the paper themselves without copying too much from previous research, and make up results that look convincing—at least at first glance. 

AI: Adding fuel to the fire 

So what happens when we add modern generative AI programs into the mix? They are Artificial Intelligence programs like ChatGPT or DALL-E that can create text or pictures for you based on written requests. 

Well, the quality of the fraud goes up, and the difficulty of producing it goes way down. This is true for both text and images.

Let’s start with text. Just now, I asked ChatGPT-4 to “write the first two paragraphs of a research paper on a cutting edge topic in psychology.” I then asked it to “write a fake results table that shows a positive relationship between climate change severity and anxiety”. I won’t copy the whole thing—in part because I encourage you to try this yourself to see how it works (not to actually create a fake paper!)—but here’s a sample of what it came up with: 

“As the planet faces increasing temperatures, extreme weather events, and environmental degradation, the mental health repercussions for populations worldwide become a crucial area of investigation. Understanding these effects is vital for developing strategies to support communities in coping with the psychological challenges posed by a changing climate.”

An AI generated bar chart of fake results

As someone who has written many psychology research papers, I would find these results very difficult to identify as AI-generated—it looks and sounds very similar to how people in my field write, and it even generated Python code to analyse the fake data. I’d need to take a really close look at the origin of the data and so on to figure out that it’s fraudulent. 

But that’s a lot of work required from me as a fraud-buster. For the fraudster, doing this takes about 1 minute, and would not be detected by any plagiarism software in the way previous kinds of fraud can be. In fact, this might only be detected if the fraudsters make a sloppy mistake, like leaving in a disclaimer from the model as in the paper caught below! 

Twitter post pointing out text "Please note that asan AI language model..." included in a published paper.

Generative AIs are not close to human intelligence, at least not yet. So, why are they so good at producing convincing scientific research, something that’s commonly seen as one of the most difficult things humans can do? Two reasons play a big part: (1) scientific research is very structured, and (2) there’s a lot of training data. In any given field of research, most papers tend to look pretty similar—an introduction section, a method describing what the researchers did, a results section with a few tables and figures, and a discussion that links it back to the wider research field. Many journals even require a fixed structure. Generative AI programs work using Machine Learning – they learn from data and the more data they are given the better they become. Give a machine learning program millions of images of cats, telling it that is what they are, and it can become very good at recognising cats. Give it millions of images of dogs and it will be able to recognise dogs too. With roughly 3 million scientific papers published every year, generative AI systems are really good at taking these many, many examples of what a scientific report looks like, and producing similar sounding, and similarly structured pieces of text. They do it by predicting what word, sentence and paragraph would be good to come next based on probabilities calculated from all those examples.

Trusting future research

Most research can still be trusted, and the vast majority of scientists are working as hard as they can to advance human knowledge. Nonetheless, we all need to look carefully at research studies to ensure that they are legitimate, and we should be on extra alert as generative AI becomes even more powerful and widespread. We also need to think about how to improve universities and research culture generally, so that people don’t feel like they need to commit scientific fraud—something that usually happens because people are desperate to get or keep a job, or be seen as successful and reap the rewards. Somehow we need to change the game so that fraud no longer pays.

What do you think? Do you have ideas for how we can prevent fraud from happening in the first place, and how can we better detect it when it does occur? It is certainly an important new research topic. Find a solution and you could do massive good. If we don’t find solutions then we could lose the most successful tool human-kind has ever invented that makes all our lives better.

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Cover issue 18 Machines that are creative

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Composing from Compression

by Geraint Wiggins, Queen Mary University of London

Computers compress files to save space. But it also allows them to create music!

Recoloured Cranium head abstract image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Music is special. It’s one of the things, like language, that makes us human, separating us from animals. It’s also special as art, because it doesn’t exist as an object in the world – it depends on human memory. “But what about CDs? They’re objects in the world”, you might say and you’d be right, but the CD is not the music. The CD contains data files of numbers. Those numbers are translated by electronics into the movements in a loudspeaker, to create sound waves. Even the sound waves aren’t music! They only become music when a human hears them, because understanding music is about noticing repetition, variation and development in its structure. That’s why songs have verses and choruses: so we can find a starting point to understand its structure. In fact, we’re so good at understanding musical structure, we don’t even notice we’re doing it. What’s more, music affects us emotionally: we get excited (using the same chemicals that get us excited when we’re in love or ready to flee danger) when we hear the anthem section of a trance track, or recognise the big theme returning at the end of a symphony.

Surprisingly, brains seem to understand musical structure in a way that’s like the algorithms computer scientists use to compress data. It’s better to store data compressed than uncompressed, because it takes less storage space. We think that’s why brains do it too.

Even more surprisingly, brains also seem to be able to learn the best way to store compressed music data. Computers use bits as their basic storage unit, but we can make groups of bits work like other things (numbers, words, pictures, angry birds…); brains seem to do something similar. For example, pitch (high vs. low notes) in sequence is an important part of music: we build melodies by lining up notes of different pitch one after the other. As we learn to hear music (starting before birth, and continuing throughout life), we learn to remember pitch in ever more efficient ways, giving our compression algorithms better and better chances to compress well. And so we remember music better.

Our team use compression algorithms to understand how music works in the human mind. We have discovered that, when our programs compress music, they can sometimes predict musical structures, even if neither they nor a human have “heard” them before. To compress something, you find large sections of repeated data and replace each with a label saying “this is one of those”. It’s like labelling a book with its title: if you’ve read Lord of the Rings, when I say the title you know what I mean without me telling the story. If we do this to the internal structure of music, there are little repetitions everywhere, and the order that they appear is what makes up the music’s structure.

If we compress music, but then decompress it in a different way, we can get a new piece of music in a similar style or genre. We have evidence that human composers do that too!

What our programs are doing is learning to create new music. There’s a long way to go before they produce music you’ll want to dance to – but we’re getting there!

This article was first published on the original CS4FN website and a copy can be found on page 12 in Issue 18 of the CS4FN magazine: Machines that are creative. You can download a free PDF copy below, along with all of our other free magazines and booklets at our downloads site.

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Creating great game worlds

by Wateen Aliady, Queen Mary University of London

A minecraft world
Image by allinonemovie from Pixabay

Are you a PUBG or Fortnite addict? Maybe you enjoy playing Minecraft? Have you thought how these games are created? Could you create a game yourself? It is all done using something called a “Game Engine”.

Games and films are similar as they require creativity and effort to make. Every movie is created by a talented cinema director who oversees everything involved in creating the film. Game creators use a special set of tools instead that similarly allow them to make compelling video game worlds, stories, and characters. These tools are called game engines and they bring your creative ideas to life! They are now even used to help make films too. So, whether you’re playing a game or watching a movie, get ready to be amazed as game creators and movie directors, the masterminds behind these incredible works, deliver captivating experiences that will leave us speechless.

Imagine a group of talented people working together to create a great video game. Miracles happen when a team’s mission becomes one. Every member in the team has a certain role, and when they work together, amazing things can happen. A key member in the group is the graphics whiz. They make everything look stunning by creating pretty scenery and characters with lots of details. Then, we have the physics guru who makes sure objects move realistically, like how they would in real life. They make things fall, bounce, and hit each other accurately. For example, they ensure the soccer ball in the game behaves like a real soccer ball when you kick it. Next, the sound expert who adds all the sounds to the game. The game engine takes on all these roles, so the experience and skill of all those people is built into the game engine, so now one person driving it can use it to create a stunning detailed backdrop, with physics that just works, integrated sound and much more.

Game creators use game engines to make all kinds of games. They have been used to create popular games like Minecraft and Fortnite. When you play a game, you enter a completely different world. You can visit epic places with beautiful views and secrets to discover. You can go on big adventures, solve tricky problems, and be immersed in thrilling fights. Game engines allow game developers to make fun and engaging games that people of all ages enjoy playing by looking after all the detail, leaving the developer to focus on the overall experience.

Anyone can learn to use a game engine even powerful industry standard ones like Unity used to create Pokemon Go, Monument Valley and Call of Duty: Mobile. Game engines could help you to create your own novel and creative games. These amazing tools can help you in creating characters, scenes, and adding fun features like animation and music. You can turn your ideas into fun games that you and your friends can play together. You might create a new video game that becomes massively popular, and people love all around the world. All it takes is for you to have the motivation and be willing to put in the time to learn the skills of driving a game engine and to develop your creativity. Interested? Then get started. You can do anything you want in a game world, so use your imagination and let the game engine help you make amazing games!

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EPSRC supports this blog through research grant EP/W033615/1. 

Hallucinating chatbots

Why can’t you trust what an AI says?

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

postcards of cuba in a rack
Image by Victoria_Regen from Pixabay

Chatbots that can answer questions and write things for you are in the news at the moment. These Artificial Intelligence (AI) programs are very good now at writing about all sorts of things from composing songs and stories to answering exam questions. They write very convincingly in a human-like way. However, one of the things about them is that they often get things wrong. Apparently, they make “facts” up or as some have described it “hallucinate”. Why should a computer lie or hallucinate? What is going on? Writing postcards will help us see.

Write a postcard

We can get an idea of what is going on if we go back to one of the very first computer programs that generated writing. It was in the 1950s and written by Christopher Strachey a school teacher turned early programmer. He wrote a love letter writing program but we will look at a similar idea: a postcard writing program.

Postcards typically might have lots of similar sentences, like “Wish you were here” or “The weather is lovely”, “We went to the beach” or “I had my face painted with butterflies”. Another time you might write things like: The weather is beautiful”, “We went to the funfair” or “I had my face painted with rainbows”. Christopher Strachey’s idea was to write a program with template sentences that could be filled in by different words: “The weather is …”, “We went to the …”, “I had my face painted with …”. Then the program picks some sentence templates at random, and then picks words at random to go in their slots. In this way, applied to postcard writing it can write millions of unique postcards. It might generate something like the following, for example (where I’ve bolded the words it filled in):

Dear Gran,

I’m on holiday in Skegness. I’ve had a wonderful time.  The weather is sunny,   We went to the beach. I had my face painted with rainbows. I’ve eaten lots strawberry ice cream. Wish you were here!

Lots of love from Mo

but the next time you ask it to it will generate something completely different.

Do it yourself

You can do the same thing yourself. Write lots of sentences on strips of card, leaving gaps for words. Give each gap a number label and note whether it is an adjective (like ‘lovely’ or ‘beautiful’) or a noun (like ‘beach’ or ‘funfair’, ‘butterflies’ or ‘rainbows’). You could also have gaps for verbs or adverbs too. Now create separate piles of cards to fit in each gap. Write the number that labels the gap on one side and different possible words of the right kind for that gap on the other side of the cards. Then keep them in numbered piles.

To generate a postcard (the algorithm or steps for you to follow), shuffle the sentence strips and pick three or four at random. Put them on the table in front of you to spell out a message. Next, go to the numbered pile for each gap in turn, shuffle the cards in that pile and then take one at random. Place it in the gap to complete the sentence. Do this for each gap until you have generated a new postcard message. Add who it is to and from at the start and end. You have just followed the steps (the algorithm) that our simple AI program is following.

Making things up

When you write a postcard by following the steps of our AI algorithm, you create sentences for the postcard partly at random. It is not totally random though, because of the templates and because you chose words to write on cards for each pile that make sense there. The words and sentences are about things you could have done – they are possible – but that does not mean you did do them!

The AI makes things up that are untrue but sound convincing because even though it is choosing words at random, they are appropriate and it is fitting them into sentences about things that do happen on holiday. People talk of chatbots ‘hallucinating’ or ‘dreaming’ or ‘lying’ but actually, as here, they are always just making the whole thing up just as we are when following our postcard algorithm. They are just being a little more sophisticated in the way that they invent their reality!

Our simple way of generating postcards is far simpler than modern AIs, but it highlights some of the features of how AIs are built. There are two basic parts to our AI. The template sentences ensure that what is produced is grammatical. They provide a simple ‘language model‘: rules of how to create correct sentences in English that sound like a human would write. It doesn’t write like Yoda :

“Truly wonderful, the beach is.”

though it could with different templates.

The second part is the sets of cards that fit the gaps. They have to fit the holes left in the templates – only nouns in the noun gaps, adjectives in the adjectives gap, and also fit

Given a set of template sentences about what you might do on holiday, the cards provide data to train the AI to say appropriate things. The cards for the face paining noun slot need to be things that might be painted on your face. By providing different cards you would change the possible sentences. The more cards the more variety in the sentences it writes.

AIs also have a language model, the rules of the language and which words go sensibly in which places in a sentence. However, they also are trained on data that gives the possibilities of what is actually written. Rather than a person writing templates and thinking up words it is based on training data such as social media posts or other writing on the Internet and what is being learnt from this data is the likelihood of what words come next, rather than just filling in holes in a template. The language model used by AIs is also actually just based on the likelihood of words appearing in sentences (not actual grammar rules).

What’s the chances of that?

So, the chatbots are based on the likelihood of words appearing and that is based on statistics. What do we mean by that? We can add a simple version of it to our Postcard AI but first we would need to collect data. How often is each face paint design chosen at seaside resorts? How often do people go to funfairs when on holiday. We need statistics about these things.

As it stands any word we add to the stack of cards is just as likely to be used. If we add the card maggots to the face painting pile (perhaps because the face painter does gruesome designs at Halloween) then the chatbot could write

“I had my face painted with maggots”.

and that is just as likely as it writing

“I had my face painted with butterflies”.

If the word maggots is not written on a card it will never write it. Either it is possible or it isn’t. We could make the chatbot write things that are more realistic, however, by adding more cards of words that are about things that are more popular. So, if in every 100 people having their face painted, almost a third, 30 people choose to have butterflies painted on their face, then we create 30 cards out of 100 in the pack with the word BUTTERFLY on (instead of just 1 card). If 5 in a 100 people choose the rainbow pattern then we add five RAINBOW cards, and so on. Perhaps we would still have one maggot card as every so often someone who likes grossing people out picks it even on holiday. Then, over all the many postcards written this way by our algorithm, the claims will match statistically the reality of what humans would write overall if they did it themselves.

As a result, when you draw a card for a sentence you are now more likely to get a sentence that is true for you. However, it is still more likely to be wrong about you personally than right (you may have had your face painted with butterflies but 70 of the 100 cards still say something else). It is still being chosen by chance and it is only the overall statistics for all people who have their face painted that matches reality not the individual case of what is likely true for you.

Make it personal

How could we make it more likely to be right about you? You need to personalise it. Collect and give it (ie train it on) more information about you personally. Perhaps you usually have a daisy painted on your face because you like daisies (you personally choose a daisy pattern 70% of the time). Sometimes you have rainbows (20% of the time). You might then on a whim choose each of 10 other designs including the butterfly maybe 1 in a hundred times. So you make a pile of 70 DAISY cards, 20 RAINBOW cards and 1 card for each of the other designs, Now, its choices, statistically at least, will match yours. You have trained it about yourself, so it now has a model of you.

You can similarly teach it more about yourself generally, so your likely activities, by adding more cards about the things you enjoy – if you usually choose chocolate or vanilla ice cream then add lots of cards for CHOCOLATE and lots for VANILLA, and so on. The more cards the postcard generator has of a word, the more likely it is to use that word. By giving it more information about yourself, it is more likely to be able to get things about you right. However, it is of course still making it up so, while it is being realistic, on any given occasion it may or may not match reality that time.

Perfect personalisation

You could go a step further and train it on what you actually did do while on this holiday, so that the only cards in the packs are the ones you did actually do on this holiday. (You ate hotdogs and ice cream and chips and … so there are cards for HOTDOG, ICE CREAM, CHIPS …). You had one vanilla ice cream, two chocolate and one strawberry so have that number of each ice cream card. If it knows everything about you then it will be able to write a postcard that is true! That is why companies behind AIs want to collect every detail of your life. The more they know about you the more they get things right about you and so predict what you will do in future too.

Probabilities from the Internet

The modern chatbots work by choosing words at random based on how likely they are in a similar way to our personalised postcard writer. They pick the most likely words to write next based on probabilities of those words coming next in the data they have been trained on. Their training data is often conversations from the Internet. If the word is most likely to come next in all that training data, then the chatbot is more likely to use that word next. However, that doesn’t make the sentence it comes up with definitely true any more than with our postcard AI.

You can personalise the modern AIs too, by giving them more accurate information about yourself and then they are more likely to get what they write about you right. There is still always a chance of them picking the wrong words, if it is there as a possibility though, as they are still just choosing to some extent at random.

Never trust a chatbot

Artificial Intelligences that generate writing do not hallucinate just some of the time. They hallucinate all of the time, just with a big probability of getting it right. They make everything up. When they get things right it is just because the statistics of the data they were trained on made those words the most likely ones to be picked to follow what went before. Just as the Internet is full of false things, an Artificial Intelligence can get things wrong too.

If you use them for anything that matters, always double check that they are telling you the truth.

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EPSRC supports this blog through research grant EP/W033615/1. 

“Tlahcuilo”, a visual composer

by Rafael Pérez y Pérez of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México

A design by Tlahcuilo of circles made of dots
A design by Tlahcuilo

A main goal of computational creativity research is to help us better understand how this essential human characteristic, creativity, works. Creativity is a very complex phenomenon that we only just understand: we need to employ all the tools that we have available to fully comprehend it. Computers are a powerful tool that can help us generate that knowledge and reflect on it. By building computer models of the processes we think are behind creativity, we can start to probe how creativity really works.

When you hear someone claiming that a computer agent, whether program, robot or gadget, is creative, the first question you should ask is: what have we learned? What does studying this agent help us to realise or discover about creativity that we did not know before? If you do not get a satisfactory answer, I would hardly call it a computer model of creativity. As well as being able to generate novel, and interesting or useful, things, a creative agent ought to fulfil other criteria: using its knowledge, creating knowledge and evaluating its own work.

Be knowledgeable!

Truly creative agents should draw on their own knowledge to build the things, such as art, that they create. They should use a knowledge-base, not just create things randomly. We aren’t, for example, interested in programs that arbitrarily pick a picture from the web, randomly apply a filter to it and then claim they have generated art.

Create knowledge!

A design by Tlahcuilo of circles made of dots
A design by Tlahcuilo

A creative agent must be able to interpret its own creations in order to generate novel knowledge, and that knowledge should help it produce more original pieces. For example, a program that generates story plots must be able to read its own stories and learn from them, as well as from stories developed by others.

Evaluate it!

To deserve to be called creative, an agent also ought to be able to tell whether the things it has created are good or bad. It should be able to evaluate its work, as well as that produced by similar agents. It’s evaluation should also influence the way the generation process works. We don’t want joke creation programs that churn out thousands of ‘jokes’ leaving a human to decide which are actually funny. A creative agent ought to be able to do that itself!

Design me a design

At the moment few, if any, systems fulfil all these criteria. Nevertheless, I suggest they should be the main goals of those doing research in computational creativity. Over the past 20 years I’ve been studying computer models of creativity, aiming to do exactly that. My main research has focused on story generation, but with my team I’ve also developed programs that aim to create novel visual designs. This is the kind of thing someone developing new fabric, wallpaper or tiling patterns might do, for example. With Iván Guerrero and María González I developed a program called TLAHCUILO. It composes visual patterns based on photographs or an empty canvas. It employs geometrical patterns, like repeated shapes, in the picture and then uses them as the basis of a new abstract pattern.

The word “tlahcuilo” refers to painters and writers
in ancient México responsible for preserving
the knowledge and traditions of their people.

To build the system’s knowledge-base, we created a tool that human designers can use to do the same creative task. TLAHCUILO analyses the steps they follow as they develop a composition and registers what it has learnt in its knowledge base. For example, it might note the way the human designer adds elements to make the pattern symmetrical or to add balance. Once these approaches are in its knowledge base it can use them itself in its own compositions. This is a little like the way an apprentice to a craftsman might work, watching the Master at work, gradually building the experience to do it themselves. Our agent similarly builds on this experience to produce its own original outputs. It can also add its own pieces of work to its knowledge-base. Finally, it is able to assess the quality of its designs. It aims to meet the criteria set out above.

Design me a plot

A design by Tlahcuilo based on a fruit stall image
A design by Tlahcuilo

One of TLAHCUILO’s most interesting characteristics is that it uses the same model of creativity that we used to implement MEXICA, our story plot generator (see CS4FN Issue 18). This allows us to compare in detail the differences and similarities between an agent that produces short-stories and an agent that produces visual compositions. We hope this will allow us to generalise our understanding.

Creativity research is a fascinating field. We hope to learn not just how to build creative agents but more importantly to understand what it takes to be a creative human.

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Issue 22 Cover Creative Computing

EPSRC supports this blog through research grant EP/W033615/1. 

A Godlike Heart

A short story by Rafael Pérez y Pérez of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México translated from the original Spanish by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

(From the archive)

Mexican deity Quetzalcoatl
Image by Alexa from Pixabay

Divinity, all the gods and all the forces that man fails to understand, are sources of inspiration, a supreme gift which can be introduced in the heart or movement of men to make them a yoltéotl, a “heart deified”. (Miguel León-Portilla, The Old Mexican, Mexico: FCE, 1995 page 180)

Part I

Allow me a moment, Your Excellency. Now that I’m older, it’s hard to remember. But don’t worry, I will tell the whole story so that your priests can record it.

It all started that afternoon, on the day of Huey Tozoztli, just before the celebration to the maize goddess Centéotl. On the horizon you could see large pools of blood – the result of the endless struggle of the gods maintaining order in the cosmos – which, when mixed with the clouds and rays of sunshine on the background blue of the universe, drenched the sky with reddish, orange and yellow. As usual, I spent most of my free time watching everything that went on in Tlatelolco market.

What most caught my attention amongst that huge convergence of smells, sounds and forms were grasshoppers; not only lovely to eat roasted on a tortilla, but also alive and full of dynamism, sometimes in the air and sometimes on the floor, sometimes in flight and sometimes sluggishly bound to the Earth – watching me. I was mesmerised for hours. I would line them up in rows of three insects, each row identified by a symbol and each grasshopper with its own number. I then watched the various patterns that arose when some reacted and tried to flee, “grasshoppers 1 and 3 in the first row jumped, while grasshopper 2 did not move.” Sometimes they were impossible to control!

That afternoon I came across Donají, the daughter of a famous Jaguar Knight. She wore a shawl across her shoulders so that you could barely see the long necklace of seashells hanging from her neck that, all tangled up, reached to just above her ankles. To see her made my heart begin to beat so, so fast! Although it was not the first time I had seen her, I had never had the opportunity to introduce myself. I stood beside her, but my mouth failed to produce a sound. No doubt she noticed my nervousness. I spent anxious moments just stuttering, until I said, ‘I’m Tizoc’. A grin spread across her face and she continued on her way without a word. She had ignored me! I felt humiliated. Who was Donají to treat me that way! I wanted to run and hide. Despite her arrogance, I felt a great attraction to her; I promised that one day I would show her who Tizoc really was and how wrong she was to treat me that way.

Part II

Several moons passed when one morning I woke up to hear a terrifying story: Donají had been kidnapped by a thug who was sentenced to death! A search was immediately organised, directed by her father, the great Jaguar Knight, which everyone joined. Eight units were formed. I was assigned to the group that went to Coyoacan. Once there, the warrior commanded us to spread out throughout the area in pairs to speed the search of the area. Because of my youth and inexperience I was appointed as an assistant to Sayil, a retired warrior of the Mexican army. We spent the first night by a stream. While looking for some dry branches to make a fire, I kept wondering how Donají would be feeling. After eating some fruit and roasted snake, I decided to distract myself and I started to enjoy my favourite pastime: watching the world! I was absorbed by a group of fireflies: while flying they would disappear without a trace only to then appear from nowhere. They formed groups of flying dancers in the darkness, following the rhythm of imaginary drums with lit torches plugged into their bodies. It seemed like a ceremony executed by priests in honour of some deity. I was completely immersed in my thoughts, admiring the ritual, when I discovered something surprising: fireflies and crickets share an essence! Grasshoppers jump or stand still on the ground; the flying fireflies were lit or unlit. In both cases, part of their behaviour can be described in terms of two states: jumping or landing; lit or unlit. It was what the priests called the divine essence! I was completely absorbed in my thoughts, when a voice interrupted me:

– ‘Tizoc, are you all right?’, asked Sayil.

– ‘I’m watching the fireflies: I want to see what they can communicate to me’, I replied.

– ‘Communicate?’

– ‘See how some fireflies are lit and others are off. Imagine that if two fireflies flying next to each other are on. We are receiving the message: ‘We are happy’. Now, imagine that we have three fireflies, one lit, then another lit but the third not lit. They are wanting to confess to us: “Walk to the lake and you will find a basket full of cocoa”. We both laughed. I continued: ‘We should call this “the behaviour of the two states.”‘

– ‘I once saw a fortune-teller use the same method’, commented Sayil yawning. I listened intently. ‘He had three figurines made of opossum bones representing Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, the malevolent God of Venus, who fires darts both at people and at other objects, causing bad things to happen. People asked the fortune-teller questions like “Will the harvest be good this year?” Then he put the figurines in a jar and tossed them: he predicted the future based on how many landed on their back and how many fell on their front – or in terms of fireflies, how many were lit and how many unlit – together with the order in which they fell.’

Sayil’s words left me paralysed for a moment: the priests communicated with the deities through messages made of patterns represented as two states! I was excited and shouted:

– ‘I knew that the grasshoppers and fireflies were connected with the gods!’

Sayil didn’t really understand what I was saying, and he was too tired to ask. A few minutes later he fell asleep, though I only went to sleep late in to the night.

Very early the next morning we continued the search. In some thickets we found the necklace of seashells that I had seen Donají wearing in the market. After a while we came to a crossroads; Sayil, despite all his experience, was not sure which way to turn. So I suggested:

– ‘Let’s ask the gods which path is the right one’.

– ‘What do you mean?’

I pulled out a small leather pouch containing three round stones, which the night before I had painted on one side with green dye made from vegetable plants. I had left the other side its natural grey colour. I put them into a jar and threw them so they landed in a line and said:

– ‘If the green painted side is facing up, it is equivalent to a firefly turned on. If the grey side is exposed it is equivalent to an off’.

– ‘You want to play the soothsayer? We don’t know how to interpret the gods!’

– ‘But we can ask them to guide us’, I said.

– ‘How?’ The warrior asked impatiently.

– ‘Assign to each of the five directions of the universe, a pattern in the stones. Implore the gods for their advice and throw them. I am sure the pattern representing the direction that arises will give us the correct way to go. It is the same as it was when the soothsayer asked about the harvest.’ Sayil didn’t seem to understand my idea, so I continued saying: ‘the combination of stones grey-grey-grey represents the centre, that is, stay where we are. Grey-grey-green means walking towards where the nomadic people are, to the north. Grey-green-grey means walk towards the Zapotec lands in the South. Grey-green-green, means walk to where Tonatiuh, the Sun God emerges, and green-grey-grey means walk in the opposite direction.

I clearly remember that Sayil thought this seemed a silly idea. However, time was short and we didn’t have another way to decide which road to take. So, rather than do nothing he decided to go with my idea:

– ‘How will we know how many steps to go?’ He asked now even more impatiently.

– ‘Once we know the direction we go back to throwing stones. There are eight possible patterns.’

– ‘How do you know?’

– ‘Believe me. I spent a long time watching the grasshoppers jumping! Each pattern represents a number from zero to seven. Then, if we get the pattern 0 we move 20 steps; if pattern 1 appears move 40 steps; if 2 appears we move 80 steps, and so on.

– ‘Tizoc, I think you’ve lost your mind’, Sayil said desperately.

– ‘Trust me. So the first throw will be a statement that tells us where to walk. The second will tell us the number of steps forward. We continue doing this until the instruction appears as the green-green-green pattern, which will mean we have received all the directions.

I put the pebbles in a jar, prayed to the gods for help and threw:

– ‘Grey-green-grey. We have to move towards the land of the Zapotecs! Now, let’s see how many steps: green-green-green, it means …2,560 steps’. I went back to throwing the stones: ‘then we head towards where Tonatiuh rises and walk … 640 steps’.

– ‘Tizoc, are you going to spend all morning throwing stones while Donají is about to die? When are you going to finish this?’

– ‘When the gods tell me to.’

I threw the stones again and to Sayil’s surprise the green-green-green combination appeared: end of the message! We followed the instructions sent by our gods and even though I hadn’t been able to make Sayil believe, we did finally find the hideout of the kidnapper.

Donají was inside a small cave whose entrance was blocked; on seeing her my heart began to pound! Unfortunately, a surprise awaited us, we saw that the kidnapper had two accomplices: this complicated things greatly as we would need support for the rescue. We decided Sayil would go for help while I stayed to monitor the situation, so without wasting more time my partner set off.

Near dark I tried to get as close as possible to let Donají know that she would soon be rescued; I was sure she would be glad of my presence. Unfortunately, one of the thugs discovered me. I was immediately thrown into the cave:

– ‘What are you doing here?’ She asked, shocked to see me.

– ‘Donají! Don’t worry; help will be here soon’, I replied, stuttering again! She immediately realised that there was no else out there to rescue us. Her face contorted in anger and she shouted:

– ‘Why didn’t you go in search of my father instead of getting caught!’

She burst into a flood of tears, weeping and weeping for a long time until she finally fell asleep. I felt a failure. But I swore by the gods to get her out of there!

I tried to stay calm when the three thugs approached: first the leader, who was very young; then a burly one, who seemed a bit of an idiot; and finally a slave who, I suppose, had simply taken the opportunity to get away. The idiot and slave dragged me out of the cave and tied me by my wrists to a tree branch. The noise woke up Donají. I was very scared. The leader began to punch me in the stomach. He wanted to know how many people knew the hiding place. I will never give him the information he wants I told myself. He repeatedly punched me until he grew bored. Then he took a leg of venison, clutching the hoof tightly with both hands he crashed it into my nose! I thought I would die! Donají screamed desperately until finally they took me back to the cave.

From the twisted material of her shawl she made presses and bandages. She wiped my face carefully and all my wounds trying to stem the bleeding. She spent the whole night giving me water to drink and mopping my brow. I will never forget her courage and fortitude! Unfortunately, the next morning, things got worse:

– ‘Tizoc, we have to get up.’

– ‘Are we leaving? Where are we going?’

– ‘I overheard them say that we will go to a valley that is a half-day along the path to Totolhuacalco. The sky is cloudy, so surely it will rain later. If we start today, there is no way anyone will work out where we have gone.’

The situation was critical and I had to come up with something before we left …

Part III

The next day, we were already installed in the new hideout, watching our new surroundings when Donají asked:

– ‘What are your thinking about, Tizoc’?

– ‘The gods have sent me a vision’, I answered.

– ‘A vision? What do you mean?’

– ‘Listen: today, at dawn, Sayil arrived with reinforcements to our former hideout, but was surprised to find it abandoned. Now how could he find us? The rain had washed away all traces of our departure. How would he explain to the great Jaguar Knight that he had lost the trail of his daughter? Sayil and the others, now desperate, reviewed the surroundings and, entering the cave where we had stopped, discovered some strange signs.’

– ‘Do you mean the symbols you drew on the wall?’

– ‘That’s right! One of the soldiers said “It looks like a big fly”. Sayil immediately understood the meaning of the drawings and shouted “No, it’s a firefly!”‘

– ‘What are you talking about?’ Donají asked confused.

At that moment we heard loud cries and Sayil, along with a group of Mexica warriors, began the attack on the new hideout. The slave tried to flee, but was captured immediately; the idiot resisted, but the warriors took a stone and split his head in two; the leader tried to attack Donají, but Sayil grabbed him and strangled him. In just a few moments it had all ended for the trio! Donají wept with happiness. My plan had worked! I was ecstatic! I had finally shown to Donají my worth! It was an unforgettable day for me.

How did they find us? Let me explain, Your Excellency, just let me drink a little water … thank you. It all happened as follows. That day I had to devise a way to communicate to Sayil where we were being taken. I was well aware that our lives depended on it, but was paralysed. Unexpectedly, I heard what I thought was a message from the gods: grasshoppers singing! Two states! That was the solution! I estimated the number of steps required to travel half a day along the Totolhuacalco path and using the same code that Sayil and I had used to find Donají, I left the approximate position of our new location on the cave wall! The kidnappers never suspected that those drawings were instructions of how to find us. So Sayil was given the key to finding us! … Thank you, Your Excellency! I know it was ingenious. Thank you very much. Am I sorry? … What do you mean? “What happened to Donají?”… Your question opens old wounds. I think that you and your brothers would never understand what I mean when I say that, although I never saw her again, my heart was forever linked to hers. I’m tired. With your permission, I would like to go to sleep now.

Two states: divine essence! What can they teach us? What wonders can man create with them? Because while enduring the fifth sun, hearts will be deified. (Tizoc)

The End.

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EPSRC supports this blog through research grant EP/W033615/1. 

Is ChatGPT’s “CS4FN” article good enough?

(Or how to write for CS4FN)

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

Follow the news and it is clear that the chatbots are about to take over journalism, novel writing, script writing, writing research papers, … just about all kinds of writing. So how about writing for the CS4FN magazine. Are they good enough yet? Are we about to lose our jobs? Jo asked ChatGPT to write a CS4FN article to find out. Read its efforts before reading on…

As editor I not only wrote but also vet articles and tweak them when necessary to fit the magazine style. So I’ve looked at ChatGPT’s offering as I would one coming from a person …

ChatGPT’s essay writing has been compared to that of a good but not brilliant student. Writing CS4FN articles is a task we have set students in the past: in part to give them experience over how you must write in different styles for different purposes. Different audience? Different writing. Only a small number come close to what I am after. They generally have one or more issues. A common problem when students write for CS4FN is sadly a lack of good grammar and punctuation throughout beyond just typos (basic but vital English skills seem to be severely lacking these days even with spell checking and grammar checking tools to help). Other common problems include a lack of structure, no hook at the start, over-formal writing so the wrong style, no real fun element at all and/or being devoid of stories about people, an obsession with a few subjects (like machine learning!) rather than finding something new to write about. They are also then often vanilla articles about that topic, just churning out looked-up facts rather than finding some new, interesting angle.

How did the chatbot do? It seems to have made most of the same mistakes. At least, chatGPT’s spelling and grammar are basically good so that is a start: it is a good primary school student then! Beyond that it has behaved like the weaker students do… and missed the point. It has actually just written a pretty bog standard factual article explaining the topic it chose, and of course given a free choice, it chose … Machine Learning! Fine, if it had a novel twist, but there are no interesting angles added to the topic to bring it alive. Nor did it describe the contributions of a person. In fact, no people are mentioned at all. It is also using a pretty formal style of writing (“In conclusion…”). Just like humans (especially academics) it also used too much jargon and didn’t even explain all the jargon it did use (even after being prompted to write for a younger audience). If I was editing I’d get rid of the formality and unexplained jargon for starters. Just like the students who can actually write but don’t yet get the subtleties, it hasn’t got the fact that it should have adapted its style, even when prompted.

It knows about structure and can construct an essay with a start, a middle and end as it has put in an introduction and a conclusion. What it hasn’t done though is add any kind of “grab”. There is nothing at the start to really capture the attention. There is no strange link, no intriguing question, no surprising statement, no interesting person…nothing to really grab you (though Jo saved it by adding to the start, the grab that she had asked an AI to write it). It hasn’t added any twist at the end, or included anything surprising. In fact, there is no fun element at all. Our articles can be serious rather than fun but then the grab has to be about the seriousness: linked to bad effects for society, for example.

ChatGPT has also written a very abstract essay. There is little in the way of context or concrete examples. It says, for example, “rules … couldn’t handle complex situations”. Give me an example of a complex situation so I know what you are talking about! There are no similes or metaphors to help explain. It throws in some application areas for context like game-playing and healthcare but doesn’t at all explain them (it doesn’t say what kind of breakthrough has been made to game playing, for example). In fact, it doesn’t seem to be writing in a “semantic wave” style that makes for good explanations at all. That is where you explain something by linking an abstract technical thing you are explaining, to some everyday context or concrete example, unpacking then repacking the concepts. Explaining machine learning? Then illustrate your points with an example such as how machine learning might use movies to predict your voting habits perhaps…and explain how the example does illustrate the abstract concepts such as pointing out the patterns it might spot.

There are several different kinds of CS4FN article. Overall, CS4FN is about public engagement with research. That gives us ways in to explain core computer science though (like what machine learning is). We try to make sure the reader learns something core, if by stealth, in the middle of longer articles. We also write about people and especially diversity, sometimes about careers or popular culture, or about the history of computation. So, context is central to our articles. Sometimes we write about general topics but always with some interesting link, or game or puzzle or … something. For a really, really good article that I instantly love, I am looking for some real creativity – something very different, whether that is an intriguing link, a new topic, or just a not very well known and surprising fact. ChatGPT did not do any of that at all.

Was ChatGPT’s article good enough? No. At best I might use some of what it wrote in the middle of some other article but in that case I would be doing all the work to make it a CS4FN article.

ChatGPT hasn’t written a CS4FN article
in any sense other than in writing about computing.

Was it trained on material from CS4FN to allow it to pick up what CS4FN was? We originally assumed so – our material has been freely accessible on the web for 20 years and the web is supposedly the chatbots’ training ground. If so I would have expected it to do much better at getting the style right. I’m left thinking that actually when it is asked to write articles or essays without more guidance it understands, it just always writes about machine learning! (Just like I always used to write science fiction stories for every story my English teacher set, to his exasperation!) We assumed, because it wrote about a computing topic, that it did understand, but perhaps, it is all a chimera. Perhaps it didn’t actually understand the brief even to the level of knowing it was being asked to write about computing and just hit lucky. Who knows? It is a black box. We could investigate more, but this is a simple example of why we need Artificial Intelligences that can justify their decisions!

Of course we could work harder to train it up as I would a human member of our team. With more of the right prompting we could perhaps get it there. Also given time the chatbots will get far better, anyway. Even without that they clearly can now do good basic factual writing so, yes, lots of writing jobs are undoubtedly now at risk (and that includes a wide range of jobs, like lawyers, teachers, and even programmers and the like too) if we as a society decide to let them. We may find the world turns much more vanilla as a result though with writing turning much more bland and boring without the human spark and without us noticing till it is lost (just like modern supermarket tomatoes so often taste bland having lost the intense taste they once had!) … unless the chatbots gain some real creativity.

The basic problem of new technology is it reaps changes irrespective of the human cost (when we allow it to, but we so often do, giddy with the new toys). That is fine if as a society we have strong ways to support those affected. That might involve major support for retraining and education into new jobs created. Alternatively, if fewer jobs are created than destroyed, which is the way we may be going, where jobs become ever scarcer, then we need strong social support systems and no stigma to not having a job. However, currently that is not looking likely and instead changes of recent times have just increased, not reduced inequality, with small numbers getting very, very rich but many others getting far poorer as the jobs left pay less and less.

Perhaps it’s not malevolent Artificial Intelligences of science fiction taking over that is the real threat to humanity. Corporations act like living entities these days, working to ensure their own survival whatever the cost, and we largely let them. Perhaps it is the tech companies and their brand of alien self-serving corporation as ‘intelligent life’ acting as societal disrupters that we need to worry about. Things happen (like technology releases) because the corporation wants them to but at the moment that isn’t always the same as what is best for people long term. We could be heading for a wonderful utopian world where people do not need to work and instead spend their time doing fulfilling things. It increasingly looks like instead we have a very dystopian future to look forward to – if we let the Artificial Intelligences do too many things, taking over jobs, just because they can so that corporations can do things more cheaply, so make more fabulous wealth for the few.

Am I about to lose my job writing articles for CS4FN? I don’t think so. Why do I write CS4FN? I love writing this kind of stuff. It is my hobby as much as anything. So I do it for my own personal pleasure as well as for the good I hope it does whether inspiring and educating people, or just throwing up things to think about. Even if the chatBots were good enough, I wouldn’t stop writing. It is great to have a hobby that may also be useful to others. And why would I stop doing something I do for fun, just because a machine could do it for me? But that is just lucky for me. Others who do it for a living won’t be so lucky.

We really have to stop and think about what we want as humans. Why do we do creative things? Why do we work? Why do we do anything? Replacing us with machines is all well and good, but only if the future for all people is actually better as a result, not just a few.

Further reading

EPSRC supports this blog through research grant EP/W033615/1.

A machine wrote this post – OpenAi’s ChatGPT

Blog post by OpenAI’s ChatGPT
Introduction by Jo Brodie

ChatGPT image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixaba

1. Jo wrote this…

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot which can have a conversation with you using everyday (natural) language. It has access to the huge amounts of digital information found on the internet and its ability to use language to write good answers in response to questions has been tested and improved by giving it feedback. It learns, and refines its output.

You don’t need to programme it, you can just ask it a question (giving it a prompt) and, after a moment’s ‘thinking’ it will produce an answer. Lots of people have been testing ChatGPT by asking it questions that we already know the answer to, to see how well it can do. It’s actually quite impressive! If you think it’s made a mistake or misunderstood your prompt you can reword your question or give it more information to help it improve its answer.

Can ChatGPT write an article that’s suitable for our magazine or website?

I gave ChatGPT the following prompt: “Please write a 200 to 500 word article suitable for the CS4FN magazine” and moments later it generated a completely new article about machine learning. That told me it knew (or at least could find out) that CS4FN has something to do with computer science. I’m not surprised that it picked machine learning as a topic given that it is a machine that can learn. I didn’t tell it what to write about, it came up with that idea itself.

The article it gave me contained some technical words and not all of them were explained, so I asked it to rewrite the article for a younger audience (who might not have come across some of the words yet).

The result is below – what do you think?

2. ChatGPT wrote this…

From Logic to Learning: The Incredible Advancements of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way since it was first invented in the 1950s. At the beginning, AI was based on logic and rules. Experts in a specific field would give the computer a set of instructions to help it make decisions. But, these rules were limited and couldn’t handle complex situations.

Today, AI has seen a huge shift towards machine learning. This means that instead of following rules, AI learns from data. This shift happened because computers got stronger, and more data became available. The breakthroughs in machine learning algorithms helped too.

Machine learning has two categories: supervised learning and unsupervised learning. In supervised learning, the computer learns from labeled data. This means that the correct answer is given to the computer for each input. Once the computer has learned enough, it can predict the answer for new data. Supervised learning is useful for applications like image and speech recognition.

In unsupervised learning, the computer learns from unlabeled data. This means that there is no correct answer provided. The goal of unsupervised learning is to find patterns in the data. This type of learning is useful in applications like anomaly detection and clustering.

Deep learning is a special type of machine learning that uses neural networks. Neural networks are inspired by the human brain and have layers of connected nodes. Each node applies a mathematical function to its inputs and sends the result to the next layer of nodes. Deep learning has revolutionized AI, leading to breakthroughs in areas like natural language processing, computer vision, and game playing.

Even though machine learning has achieved so much, there are still challenges to overcome. One challenge is the lack of transparency in machine learning models. Unlike rule-based systems, it can be hard to understand how a machine learning model made a decision. This can be a problem, especially in areas like healthcare where the decision-making process needs to be trustworthy and explainable.

Another challenge is the need for a lot of data to train machine learning models. While data is easy to find in some areas, like social media, it can be hard to come by in other areas like medical imaging. This lack of data can make machine learning less effective in some applications.

In conclusion, AI has come a long way since the 1950s. We’ve gone from rule-based systems to machine learning, which has led to breakthroughs in many areas. Although there are still challenges to overcome, the future of AI is exciting!

The first attempt is below…

The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence: From Rule-Based to Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way since its inception in the 1950s. Initially, AI was developed based on rule-based systems, where experts in a specific domain would provide rules to the system to help it make decisions. While these systems worked well in some areas, they were limited in their ability to handle complex problems and adapt to new situations.

In recent years, AI has seen a significant shift towards machine learning, where systems learn from data rather than relying on pre-defined rules. This shift has been driven by advances in computer hardware, the availability of large amounts of data, and breakthroughs in machine learning algorithms.

Machine learning has two main categories: supervised learning and unsupervised learning. In supervised learning, the system is trained on labeled data, where the correct answer is provided for each input. The system uses this labeled data to learn a function that maps inputs to outputs. Once trained, the system can make predictions on new, unseen data. This approach has been successful in a wide range of applications, such as image and speech recognition.

In unsupervised learning, the system is trained on unlabeled data, where no correct answer is provided. The goal of unsupervised learning is to discover patterns and structure in the data. This approach has been useful in areas such as anomaly detection and clustering.

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses neural networks to learn from data. Neural networks are inspired by the structure of the human brain and consist of layers of interconnected nodes. Each node applies a mathematical function to its inputs and passes the result to the next layer of nodes. Deep learning has revolutionized the field of AI, enabling breakthroughs in areas such as natural language processing, computer vision, and game playing.

Despite the many successes of machine learning, there are still limitations and challenges to overcome. One challenge is the lack of interpretability of machine learning models. Unlike rule-based systems, it can be difficult to understand how a machine learning model arrived at a particular decision. This lack of transparency can be problematic in areas such as healthcare, where the decision-making process needs to be explainable and trustworthy.

Another challenge is the need for large amounts of data to train machine learning models. While data is abundant in some domains, such as social media, it can be scarce in others, such as medical imaging. This scarcity of data can limit the effectiveness of machine learning approaches in certain applications.

In conclusion, the evolution of AI from rule-based systems to machine learning has enabled breakthroughs in many areas and holds tremendous potential for the future. However, there are still challenges to overcome, particularly in the areas of interpretability and data scarcity. Addressing these challenges will be critical to realizing the full potential of AI in the years to come.

Further reading

EPSRC supports this blog through research grant EP/W033615/1.

Sophie Wilson: Where would feeding cows take you?

Chip design that changed the world

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

(Updated from the archive)

cows grazing
Image by Christian B. from Pixabay 

Some people’s innovations are so amazing it is hard to know where to start. Sophie Wilson is like that. She helped kick start the original 80’s BBC micro computer craze, then went on to help design the chips in virtually every smartphone ever made. Her more recent innovations are the backbone that is keeping broadband infrastructure going. The amount of money her innovations have made easily runs into tens of billions of dollars, and the companies she helped succeed make hundreds of billions of dollars. It all started with her feeding cows!

While still a student Sophie spent a summer designing a system that could automatically feed cows. It was powered by a microcomputer called the MOS 6502: one of the first really cheap chips. As a result Sophie gained experience in both programming using the 6502’s set of instructions but also embedded computers: the idea that computers can disappear into other everyday objects. After university she quickly got a job as a lead designer at Acorn Computers and extended their version of the BASIC language, adding, for example, a way to name procedures so that it was easier to write large programs by breaking them up into smaller, manageable parts.

Acorn needed a new version of their microcomputer, based on the 6502 processor, to bid for a contract with the BBC for a project to inspire people about the fun of coding. Her boss challenged her to design it and get it working, all in only a week. He also told her someone else in the team had already said they could do it. Taking up the challenge she built the hardware in a few days, soldering while watching the Royal Wedding of Charles and Diana on TV. With a day to go there were still bugs in the software, so she worked through the night debugging. She succeeded and within the week of her taking up the challenge it worked! As a result Acorn won a contract from the BBC, the BBC micro was born and a whole generation were subsequently inspired to code. Many computer scientists, still remember the BBC micro fondly 30 years later.

That would be an amazing lifetime achievement for anyone. Sophie went on to even greater things. Acorn morphed into the company ARM on the back of more of her innovations. Ultimately this was about returning to the idea of embedded computers. The Acorn team realised that embedded computers were the future. As ARM they have done more than anyone to make embedded computing a ubiquitous reality. They set about designing a new chip based on the idea of Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC). The trend up to that point was to add ever more complex instructions to the set of programming instructions that computer architectures supported. The result was bloated systems that were hungry for power. The idea behind RISC chips was to do the opposite and design a chip with a small but powerful instruction set. Sophie’s colleague Steve Furber set to work designing the chip’s architecture – essentially the hardware. Sophie herself designed the instructions it had to support – its lowest level programming language. The problem was to come up with the right set of instructions so that each could be executed really, really quickly – getting as much work done in as few clock cycles as possible. Those instructions also had to be versatile enough so that when sequenced together they could do more complicated things quickly too. Other teams from big companies had been struggling to do this well despite all their clout, money and powerful computer mainframes to work on the problem. Sophie did it in her head. She wrote a simulator for it in her BBC BASIC running on the BBC Micro. The resulting architecture and its descendants took over the world, with ARM’s RISC chips running 95% of all smartphones. If you have a smartphone you are probably using an ARM chip. They are also used in game controllers and tablets, drones, televisions, smart cars and homes, smartwatches and fitness trackers. All these applications, and embedded computers generally, need chips that combine speed with low energy needs. That is what RISC delivered allowing the revolution to start.

If you want to thank anyone for your personal mobile devices, not to mention the way our cars, homes, streets and work are now full of helpful gadgets, start by thanking Sophie…and she’s not finished yet!

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This blog is funded by UKRI, through grant EP/W033615/1.