Getting off the beach, fast

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

Paul goes on holiday and sees how a car park can work like a computer.

Computers get faster and faster every year. How come? Because computer scientists and electronic engineers keep thinking up new tricks, completely new ways to make them go faster. One way has been to shrink the components so signals don’t have as far to go. Another is to use the same trick they were using in a beach car park I came across on holiday.

Woolacombe Sands in Devon is one of the most popular beaches around. There is a great expanse of beautiful sand as well as rocks for kids to climb on and good surfing too. The weather is even good there – well most of the time. The car park, right on the edge of the beach fills in the morning. Since most people arrive early and stay all day it’s a standard price of £5.50 for the day. Entry and exit barriers control the numbers. The entry barrier only allows a car to go in if there is a space and another allows people out when they have paid.

That’s where there is a problem though. The vast majority of people leave around 5pm as the ice cream vans pack up and it’s time to look for dinner. The machine only takes coins, and you insert the money from your car at the barrier. Each driver has to fumble with 5 one-pound coins and a 50p and that takes time. Once the current car moves on out there is then another delay as the driver behind pulls forward to get into a position to put their money in. Without some thought it would lead to long queues behind. Not only that it wouldn’t be very green. Cars are at there worst pumping out pollution when in a jam.

The last thing you want to do to a family who’ve had a great day on your beach is then irritate them by clogging them up in a traffic jam when they try to leave. So what do you do? How can you speed things up (and make sure you aren’t just moving the queue to the morning or to some other ticket machine somewhere else)?

The problem is similar to one in designing a computer chip. Think of the cars as data waiting to be processed (perhaps as part of a calculation) and the barrier as a processing unit where some manipulation of that data is needed. Data waiting to be processed has to be fetched before it can be used, just as the cars have to move up to the barrier before the driver can pay. The fact that the problems are so similar suggests that a solution to one may also be a a solution to the other.

Speed it up

There are lots of ways you could change the system to improve the speed of cars being processed in the car park. This speed that data passes through a system is called the ‘throughput’ of the system. Woolacombe have thought of a simple way to improve their throughput. They put a person with a bit of change next to the barrier to help the drivers. This allows them to keep the relatively simple barrier system they have. It also has advantages in keeping the money in one place and being a foolproof way of ensuring there is a space for everyone who enters. It still maintains all the safeguards of the ticket barrier though. How can that one person speed things up?

What would you do?

So what would YOU do if you were that person? Would you speed things up? Or would you just stand there powerless watching the misery of all those families?

The first thing you could do is to stand by the machine and take the change off the driver and insert it yourself. That will speed things up a little bit because it takes longer for drivers to put the money in as they have to stretch out the window of a car. Also if the driver only has a five pound note you can take it and just insert coins from your change bag rather than wasting time passing it back to the driver to then insert. Similarly if the driver only has 50 pence pieces say, rather than wasting time inserting 10 of them you can take them and insert 5 one-pound coins.

You’ve done some good, and removed problems of the slow people inserting coins but you haven’t really solved the bad problems. Cars aren’t moving at all while you are inserting the 6 coins, and after each car moves through the barrier you are doing nothing but waiting for the next car to pull forward. In an ideal system, with the best throughput, the cars barely stop at all and you are constantly busy.

A Pipeline of Cars

It turns out you can do something about that. It’s called pipelining. There is a way you can be busy dealing with the next car even before it’s got to you. You just have to get ahead of yourself!

Cars image by Ambady Sasi from Pixabay

How? Before the first car arrives, insert 5 pound coins into the machine and wait. As the driver gets to you and gives you the money, insert his or her 50p, keeping the rest. The barrier opens immediately for the driver who barely has to stop. Better still you are now holding 5 pound coins that you can insert as the next car arrives, leaving you back in an identical situation. That means the next car can drive straight through too, and you are constantly busy as long as there are cars arriving.

Speedy data

So you’ve helped the families leaving the beach, but how might a similar trick speed up a computer? Well you can do a similar thing in the way you get a computer processor to execute the instructions from a program. Suppose your program requires the processor to get some numbers from storage, process them (perhaps multiplying the numbers together) and then store the result somewhere else for later use. Typically a program might do that over and over again, varying where the data comes from and how it is processed.

Early computers would do each instruction in turn – doing the fetching, processing and storing of one instruction before starting the next. But that is just like a car in our car park coming to the barrier, being processed and leaving before the next one moves. Can we pull off the same trick to speed things up? Well, yes of course.

All you need to do is overlap the separate parts. Just as at any time in the car park a car will be driving out, a second will be handing over money and a third pulling forward, the same can happen in the computer. As the first instruction’s result is being stored, the next instruction can already be being processed and the data from the one after that can be fetched from memory. Just by reorganising the way the work is done, we have roughly tripled the speed of our computer as now three things are happening at once.

What we have done is set up a ‘pipeline’ – with a series of instructions all flowing through it, being executed, at the same time. Woolacombe has a pipeline of cars, but in a computer we pipeline data. Either way things get done faster and people are happier.

Computer science happens in some unexpected places – even at the beach – but then perhaps that isn’t so surprising given computers are made of sand!

This article was originally published on the CS4FN website.

Other beach-themed articles on this blog include how the origins of how Paul learned to program while on holiday (“The beach, the missionary and my origin myth”) and messages hidden (steganography) within the stripes of deckchairs (“Encrypted deckchairs”).

EPSRC supports this blog through research grant EP/W033615/1.

Ingrid Daubechies: Wiggly lines help catching crime

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

from the cs4fn women are here special issue.

Blue and yellow sine wave patterns representing light

Computer scientists rely on maths a lot. As mathematicians devise new mathematical theories and tools, computer scientists turn them into useful programs. Mathematicians who are interested in computing and how to make practical use of their maths are incredibly valuable. Ingrid Daubechies is like that. Her work has transformed the way we store images and much besides. She works on the maths behind digital signal processing – how best to manipulate things like music and images in computers. It boils down to wiggly lines.

Pixel pictures

The digital age is founded on the idea that you can represent signals: whether sound or images, radio waves, or electrical signals, as sequences of numbers. We digitise things by breaking them into lots of small pieces, then represent each piece with a number. As I look out my window, I see a bare winter tree, with a robin singing. If I take a picture with a digital camera, the camera divides the scene into small squares (or pixels) and records the colour for each square as a number. The real world I’m looking at isn’t broken into squares, of course. Reality is continuous and the switch to numbers means some of the detail of the real thing is lost. The more pieces you break it into the more detail you record, but when you blow up a digital image too much, eventually it goes blurry. Reality isn’t fuzzy like that. Zoom in on the real thing and you see ever more detail. The advantage of going digital is that, as numbers, the images can be much more quickly and easily stored, transmitted and manipulated by Photoshop-like programs. Digital signal processing is all about how you store and manipulate real-world things, those signals, with numbers.

Curvy components

There are different ways to split signals up when digitising them. One of the bedrocks of digital signal processing is called Fourier Analysis. It’s based on the idea that any signal can be built out of a set of basic building blocks added together. It’s a bit like the way you can mix any colour of paint from the three primary colours: red, blue and yellow. By mixing them in the right proportions you can get any colour. That means you can record colours by just remembering the amounts of each component. For signals, the building blocks are the pure frequencies in the signal. The line showing a heartbeat as seen on a hospital monitor, say, or a piece of music in a sound editing program, can be broken down into a set of smooth curves that go up and down with a given frequency, and which when added together give you the original line – the original signal. The negative parts of one wave can cancel out positive parts of another just as two ripples meeting on a pond combine to give a different pattern to the originals.

This means you can store signals by recording the collection and strength of frequencies needed to build them. For images the frequencies might be about how rapidly the colours change across the image. An image of say a hazy sunset, where the colours are all similar and change gradually, will then be made of low frequencies with rolling wave components. An image with lots of abrupt changes will need lots of high frequency, more spiky, waves to represent all those sudden changes.

Blurry bits

Now suppose you have taken a picture and it is all a bit blurry. In the set of frequencies that blurriness will be represented by the long rolling waves across the image: the low frequencies. By filtering out those low frequencies, making them less important and making the high frequency building blocks stronger, we can sharpen the image up.

more like keyhole surgery on a signal
than butchering the whole thing.

By filtering in different ways we can have different effects on the image. Some of the most important help compress images. If a digital camera divides the image into fewer pixels it saves memory by storing less data, but you end up with blocky looking pictures. If you instead throw away information by losing some of the frequencies of a Fourier version, the change may be barely noticeable. In fact, drawing on our understanding of how our brains process the world to choose what frequencies to drop we might not see a change in the image at all.

The power of Fourier Analysis is that it allows you to manipulate the whole image in a consistent way, editing a signal by editing its frequency building blocks. However, that power is also a disadvantage. Sometimes you want to have effects that are more local – doing something that’s more like keyhole surgery on a signal than butchering the whole thing.

Wiggly wavelets

A pulse signal on a spherical monitor surface
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

That is where wavelets come in. They give a way of focussing on small areas of the signal. The building blocks used with wavelets are not the smooth, forever undulating curves of Fourier analysis, but specially designed functions, ie wiggly lines, that undulate just in a small area – a bit like a single heart beat signal. A ‘mother’ wavelet is combined with variations of it (child wavelets) to make the full set of building blocks: a wavelet family.

Wavelets were perhaps more a curiosity than of practical use to computer scientists, until Ingrid Daubechies came up with compact wavelets that needed only a fixed time to process. The result was a versatile and very practical tool that others have been able to use in all sorts of ways. For example, they give a way to compress images without losing information that matters. This has made a big difference with the FBI’s fingerprint archive, for example. A family of wavelets allows each fingerprint to be represented by just a few wavelets, so a few numbers, rather than the many numbers needed if pixels were stored. The size of the collection takes up 20 times less storage space as wavelets without corrupting the images. That also means it can be sent to others who need it more easily. It matters when each fingerprint would otherwise involve storing or sending 10 Megabytes of data.

People have come up with many more practical uses of Wavelets, from cleaning up old music to classifying stars and detecting earthquakes. Not bad for a wiggly line.

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EPSRC supports this blog through research grant EP/W033615/1.