Pac-Man and Games for Girls

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

In the beginning video games were for boys…and then came Pac-Man.

Pac-man eating dots
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Before mobile games, game consoles and PC based games, video games first took off in arcades. Arcade games were very big earning 39 billion dollars at their peak in the 1980s. Games were loaded into bespoke coin-operated arcade machines. For a game to do well someone had to buy the machines, whether actual gaming arcades or bars, cafes, colleges, shopping malls, … Then someone had to play them. Originally boys played arcade games the most and so games were targeted at them. Most games had a focus on shooting things: games like asteroids and space invaders or had some link to sports based on the original arcade game Pong. Girls were largely ignored by the designers… But then came Pac-Man. 

Pac-Man, created by a team led by Toru Iwatani,  is a maze game where the player controls the Pac-Man character as it moves around a maze, eating dots while being chased by the ghosts: Blinky, Pinky, Inky, and Clyde. Special power pellets around the maze, when eaten, allow Pac-Man to chase the ghosts for a while instead of being chased.

Pac-Man ultimately made around $19 million dollars in today’s money making it the biggest money making video arcade game of all time. How did it do it? It was the first game that was played by more females than males. It showed that girls would enjoy playing games if only the right kind of games were developed. Suddenly, and rather ironically given its name, there was a reason for the manufacturers to take notice of girls, not just boys.

A Pac-man like ghost
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

It revolutionised games in many ways, showing the potential of different kinds of features to give it this much broader appeal. Most obviously Pac-Man did this by turning the tide away from shoot-em up space games and sports games to action games where characters were the star of the game, and that was one of its inventor Toru Iwatani’s key aims. To play you control Pac-Man rather than just a gun, blaster, tennis racket or golf club. It paved the way for Donkey Kong, Super Mario, and the rest (so if you love Mario and all his friends, then thank Pac-Man). Ultimately, it forged the path for the whole idea of avatars in games too. 

It was the first game to use power ups where, by collecting certain objects, the character gains extra powers for a short time. The ghosts were also characters controlled by simple AI – they didn’t just behave randomly or follow some fixed algorithm controlling their path, but reacted to what the player does, and each had their own personality in the way they behaved.

Because of its success, maze and character-based adventure games became popular among manufacturers, but more importantly designers became more adventurous and creative about what a video game could be. It was also the first big step towards the long road to women being fully accepted to work in the games industry. Not bad for a character based on a combination of a pizza and the Japanese symbol for “mouth”.

T. V. Raman and his virtual guide dogs

by Daniel Gill, Queen Mary University of London

Guide dog silhouette with binary superimposed
Image by PC modifying dog from Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

It’s 1989, a year with lots of milestones in Computer Science. In March, Tim Berners-Lee puts down in writing the idea of an “information management system”, later to become the world wide web. In July, Nintendo releases the Game Boy in North America selling 118 million units worldwide over its 14-year production.

Come autumn, a 24-year-old arrives in Ithaca, US, home of Cornell University. He would be able to feel the cool September air as it blows off Cayuga Lake, smell the aromas from Ithaca’s 190 species of trees, and listen to a range of genres in the city’s live music scene. However,, he couldn’t take in the natural beauty of the city in its entirety as he started his PhD … because he was blind. That did not stop him going on to have a gigantic impact on  the lives of blind and partially sighted people worldwide.

T. V. Raman was born in Pune, India, in 1965. He had been partially sighted from birth, but at the age of 14 he became blind due to a disease called glaucoma. Throughout his life, however, he has not let this stop him.

While he was partially sighted, he was able to read and write – but as his sight worsened, and with the help of his brother, mentors, and aides, he was still able to continue learning from textbooks, and solve problems which were read to him. At the height of its popularity, in the early 1980s, he also learned how to solve a specially customised Rubik’s cube, and could do so in about 30 seconds.

Raman soon developed an interest in mathematics, and around 1983 started studying for a Maths degree at the University of Pune. On finishing in 1987, he studied for a Masters degree at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, this time in Computer Science and Maths. It was with the help of student volunteers he was able to learn from textbooks and assistance with programming was provided by an able volunteer. 

Today people with no vision often use a screen reader to hear what is on a screen. It not everyone is lucky enough to have so much help as Raman and screen readers play the part of all those human volunteers who helped him. Raman himself played a big part in their development.

Modern screen readers allow you to navigate the screen part-by-part, with important information and content read to you. Many of these systems are built into operating systems, such as the Narrator in Windows (which uses a huge number of keyboard shortcuts), and Google TalkBack for Android devices (where rubbing the screen, vibration, and audio hints are used). These simpler screen readers might already be installed on your system – if so have a go with them!

While Raman was learning programming, such screen readers were still in their infancy. It was only in the 1980s that a team at IBM developed a screen reader for the command-line interface of the IBM DOS (which Raman would later use), and it would be many years before screen readers were available for the much more challenging graphical user interfaces we’re so accustomed to today.

It was at Cornell University where Raman settled on his career-long research interest: accessibility. He originally intended to do an Applied Mathematics PhD, but then discovered the need for ways to use speech technology to read complicated documents, especially those with embedded mathematics. For his dissertation, he therefore developed the Audio System for Technical Readings (ASTER) to solve the problem.

What he realised was that when looking at information visually our eyes are active taking in information from different places but the display is passive. With an audio interface this is reversed with the ear passive and the display actively choosing the order of information presented. This makes it impossible to get a high level view first and then dive into particular detail. This is a big problem when ‘reading’ maths by listening to it. His system solved the problem using audio formatting which allows the listener to browse the structure of information first.

He named this program after his first guide dog, Aster, which he obtained, alongside a talking computer, in early 1990. Both supported him throughout his PhD. For this work, he received the ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award, a prestigious yearly worldwide celebrating the best PhD dissertation in computer science and related fields.

Following on from this work, he developed a program called Emacspeak, an audio desktop, which, unlike a screen reader, takes existing programs and makes them work with audio outputs. It makes use of Emacs, a family of text editors (think notepad, but with lots more features), as well as a programming language called Lisp. Raman has continued to develop Emacspeak ever since and the program is often bundled within Linux operating system installations. Like ASTER, versions of this program are dedicated to his guide dogs.

Following his PhD, Raman worked briefly with Adobe Systems and IBM, but, since 2005, has worked with Google on auditory user interfaces, accessibility, and usability. In 2014, alongside Google colleagues, he published a paper on a new application called JustSpeak, a system for navigating the Android operating system with voice commands. He has also gone back to his roots, integrating mathematical speech into the ChromeVox, the screen reader built into Chromebook devices.

Despite growing up in a time of limited access to computers for blind and visually impaired people, Raman was able, with the help of his brother and student volunteers, to learn how to program, solve a Rubik’s cube, and solve complex maths problems. With early screen readers he was also able to build tools for fellow blind and visually impaired people, and then benefit himself from his own tools to achieve even more.

Guide dogs can transform the lives of blind and partially sighted people by allowing them to do things in the physical world that they otherwise could not do. T. V. Raman’s tools provide a similar transformation in the digital world, changing lives for the better.

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Designing for autistic people

by Daniel Gill and Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

What should you be thinking about when designing for a specific group with specific needs, such as autistic people? Queen Mary students were set this task and on the whole did well. The lessons though are useful when designing any technology, whether apps or gadgets.

A futuristic but complicated interface
A futuristic but complicated interface with lots of features: feature bloat?
Image by Tung Lam from Pixabay

The Interactive Systems Design module at QMUL includes a term-long realistic team interaction design project with the teaching team acting as clients. The topic changes each year but is always open-ended and aimed at helping some specific group of people. The idea is to give experience designing for a clear user group not just for anyone. A key requirement is always that the design, above all, must be very easy to use, without help. It should be intuitively obvious how to use it. At the end of the module, each team pitches their design in a short presentation as well as a client report.

This year the aim was to create something to support autistic people. What their design does, and how, was left to the teams to decide from their early research and prototyping. They had to identify a need themselves. As a consequence, the teams came up with a wide range of applications and tools to support autistic people in very different ways.

How do you come up with an idea for a design? It should be based on research. The teams had to follow a specific (if simplified) process. The first step was to find out as much as they could about the user group and other stakeholders being designed for: here autistic people and, if appropriate, their carers. The key thing is to identify their unmet goals and needs. There are lots of ways to do this: from book research (charities, for example, often provide good background information) and informally talking to people from the stakeholder group, to more rigorous methods of formal interviews, focus groups and even ethnography (where you embed yourself in a community).

Many of the QMUL teams came up with designs that clearly supported autistic people, but some projects were only quite loosely linked with autism. While the needs of autistic people were considered in the concept and design, they did not fully focus on supporting autistic people. More feedback directly from autistic people, both at the start and throughout the process, would have likely made the applications much more suitable. (That of course is quite hard in this kind of student role-playing scenario, though some groups were able to do so.) That though is key idea the module is aiming to teach – how important it is to involve users and their concerns closely throughout the design process, both in coming up with designs and evaluating them. Old fashioned waterfall models from software engineering, where designs are only tested with users at the end, are just not good enough.

From the research, the teams were then required to create design personas. These are detailed, realistic but fictional people with names, families, and lives. The more realistic the character the better (computer scientists need to be good at fiction too!) Personas are intended to represent the people being designed for in a concrete and tangible way throughout the design process. They help to ensure the designers do design for real people not some abstract tangible person that shape shifts to the needs of their ideas. Doing the latter can lead to concepts being pushed forward just because the designer is excited by their ideas rather than because they are actually useful. Throughout the design the team refer back to them – does this idea work for Mo and the things he is trying to do? 

An important part of good persona design lies around stereotypes. The QMUL groups avoided stereotypes of autistic people. One group went further, though: they included the positive traits that their autistic persona had, not just negative ones. They didn’t see their users in a simplistic way. Thinking about positive attributes is really, really important if designing for neurodivergent people, but also for those with physical disabilities too, to help make them a realistic person. That group’s persona was therefore outstanding. Alan Cooper, who came up with the idea of design personas, argued that stereotypes (such as a nurse persona being female) were good in that they could give people a quick and solid idea of the person. However, this is a very debatable view. It seems to go against the whole idea of personas. Most likely you miss the richness of real people and end up designing for a fictional person that doesn’t represent that group of people at all. The aim of personas is to help the designers see the world from the perspective of their users, so here of autistic people. A stereotype can only diminish that.

Multicolour jigsaw ribbon
Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay

Another core lesson of the module is the importance of avoiding feature bloat. Lots of software and gadgets are far harder to use than need be because they are packed with features: features that are hardly ever, possibly never, used. What could have been simple to use apps, focusing on some key tasks, instead are turned into ‘do everything’ apps. A really good video call app instead becomes a file store, a messaging place, chat rooms, a phone booth, a calendar, a movie player, and more. Suddenly it’s much harder to make video calls. Because there are so many features and so many modes all needing their own controls the important things the design was supposed to help you do become hard to do (think of a TV remote control – the more features the more buttons until important ones are lost). That undermines the aim that good design should make key tasks intuitively easy. The difficulty when designing such systems is balancing the desire to put as many helpful features as possible into a single application, and the complexity that this adds. That can be bad for neurotypical people, who may find it hard to use. For neurodivergent people it can be much worse – they can find themselves overwhelmed. When presented with such a system, if they can use it at all, they might have to develop their own strategies to overcome the information overload caused. For example, they might need to learn the interface bit-by-bit. For something being designed specifically for neurodiverse people, that should never happen. Some of the applications of the QMUL teams were too complicated like this. This seems to be one of the hardest things for designers to learn, as adding ideas, adding features seems to be a good thing, it is certainly vitally important not to make this mistake if designing for autistic people. 

Perhaps one of the most important points that arose from the designs was that many of the applications presented were designed to help autistic people change to fit into the world. While this would certainly be beneficial, it is important to realise that such systems are only necessary because the world is generally not welcoming for autistic people. It is much better if technology is designed to change the world instead. 

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Testing AIs in Minecraft

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

What makes a good environment for child AI learning development? Possibly the same as for human child learning development: Minecraft.

A complex Minecraft world with a lake, grasslands, mountains and a building
Image by allinonemovie from Pixabay

Lego is one of the best games to play for impactful learning development for children. The word Lego is based on the words Play and Well in Danish. In the virtual world, Minecraft has of course taken up the mantle. A large part of why they are wonderful games is because they are open-ended and flexible. There are infinite possibilities over what you can build and do. They therefore help encourage not just focussing on something limited to learn as many other games do, but support open-ended creativity and so educational development. Given how positive it can be for children, it shouldn’t be surprising that Minecraft is now being used to help AIs develop too.

Games have long been used to train and test Artificial Intelligence programs. Early programs were developed to play and ultimately beat humans at specific games like Checkers, Chess and then later Go. That mastered they started to learn to play individual arcade games as a way to extend their abilities. A key part of our intelligence is flexibility though, we can learn new games. Aiming to copy this, the AIs were trained to follow suit and so became more flexible, and showed they could learn to play multiple arcade games well. 

This is still missing a vital part of our flexibility though. The thing about all these games is that the whole game experience is designed to be part of the game and so the task the player has to complete. Everything is there for a reason. It is all an integral part of the game. There are no pieces at all in a chess game that are just there to look nice and will never, ever play a part in winning or losing. Likewise all the rules matter. When problem solving in real life, though, most of the world, whether objects, the way things behave or whatever, is not there explicitly to help you solve the problem. It is not even there just to be a designed distractor. The real world also doesn’t have just a few distractors, it has lots and lots. Looking round my living room, for example, there are thousands of objects, but only one will help me turn on the tv.

AIs that are trained on games may, therefore, just become good at working in such unreal environments. They may need to be told what matters and what to ignore to solve problems. Real problems are much more messy, so put them in the real world, or even a more realistic virtual world, to problem solve and they may turn out to be not very clever at all. Tests of their skills that are based on such tasks may not really test them at all.

Researchers at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa decided to tackle this issue, but using yet another game: Minecraft.  Because Minecraft is an open-ended virtual world, tackling challenges created in it will involve working in a world that is much more than just about the problem itself. The Witwatersrand team’s resulting MinePlanner system is a collection of 45 challenges, some easy, some harder. They include gathering tasks (like finding and gathering wood) and building tasks (like building a log cabin), as well as tasks that include combinations of these things. Each comes in three versions. In the easy version nothing is irrelevant. The medium version contains a variety of extraneous things that are not at all useful to the task. The hard version is in a full Minecraft world where there are thousands of objects that might be used.

To tackle these challenges an AI (or human) needs to solve not just the complex problem set, but also work out for themselves what in the Minecraft world is relevant to the task they are trying to perform and what isn’t. What matters and what doesn’t?

The team hope that by setting such tests they will help encourage researchers to develop more flexible intelligences, taking us closer to having real artificial intelligence. The problems are proposed as a benchmark for others to test their AIs against. The Witwatersrand team have already put existing state-of-the-art AI planning systems to the test. They weren’t actually that great at solving the problems and even the best could not complete the harder tasks.

So it is back to school for the AIs but hopefully now they will get a much better, flexible and fun education playing games like Minecraft. Let’s just hope the robots get to play with Lego too, so they don’t get left behind educationally.

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Neurodiversity and what it takes to be a good programmer

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

People often suggest neurodiverse people make good computer scientists. For example, one of the most famous autistic people, Temple Grandin, an academic at Colorado State University and animal welfre expert, has suggested programming is one of the jobs autistic people are potentially naturally good at (along with other computer science linked jobs) and that “Half the people in Silicon Valley probably have autism.”.. So what makes a good computer scientist? And why might people suggest neurodiverse people are good at it?

A multicoloured jigsaw pattern ribbon
Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay

What makes a good programmer? Is it knowledge, skills or is it the type of person you are? It is actually all three though it’s important to realise that all three can be improved. No one is born a computer scientist. You may not have the knowledge, the skills or be the right kind of person now, but you can improve them all.

To be a good programmer, you need to develop specialist knowledge such as knowing what the available language constructs are, knowing what those constructs do, knowing when to use them over others, and so on. You also need to develop particular technical skills like an ability to decompose problems into sub-problems, to formulate solutions in a particular restricted notation (the programming language), to generalise solutions, and so on. However, you also need to become the right kind of person to do well as a programmer. 

Thinking about what kind of person makes a good programmer, to help my students work on them and so become better programers, I made a list of the attributes I associate with good student programmers. My list includes: attention to detail, an ability to think clearly and logically, being creative, having good spatial visualising skills, being a hard worker, being resilient to things going wrong so determined, being organised, being able to meet deadlines, enjoying problem solving, being good at pattern matching, thinking analytically and being open to learning new and different ways of doing things.

More recently, when taking part in a workshop about neurodiversity I was struck by a similar list we were given. Part of the idea behind ‘neurodiversity’ is that everyone is different and everyone has strengths and weaknesses. If you think of ‘disability’ you tend to think of apparent weaknesses. Those ‘weaknesses’ are often there because the world we have created has turned them into weaknesses. For example, being in a wheelchair makes it hard to travel because we have built a world full of steps, kerbs and cobbles, doors that are hard to manipulate, high counters and so on. If we were to remove all those obstacles, a wheelchair would not have to reduce your ability to get around. Thinking about neurodiversity, the suggestion is to think about the strengths that come with it too, not just the difficulties you might encounter because of the way we’ve made the world.

The list of strengths of neurodiverse people given at the workshop were: attention to detail, focussed interest, problem-solving, creative, visualising, pattern recognition. Looking further you find both those positives reinforced and new positives. For example, one support website gives the positives of being an autistic person as: attention to detail, deep focus, observation skills, ability to absorb and retain facts, visual skills, expertise, a methodological approach, taking novel approaches, creativity, tenacity and resilience, accepting of difference and integrity. Thinking logically is also often picked out as a trait that neurodiverse people are often good at. The similarity of these lists to my list of what kind of person my students should aim to turn themselves into is very clear. Autistic people can start with a very solid basis to build on. If my list is right, then their personal positives may help neurodiverse people to quickly become good programmers.

Here are a few of those positives others have picked out that neurodiverse people may have and how they relate to programming:

Attention to detail: This is important in programming because a program is all about detail, both in the syntax (not missing brackets or semicolons) but more importantly not missing situations that could occur so cases the program must cover. A program must deal with every possibility that might arise, not just some. The way it deals with them also matters in the detail. Poor programs might just announce a mistake was made and shut down. A good program will explain the mistake and give the user a way to correct it for example. Detail like that matters. Attention to detail is also important in debugging as bugs are just details gone wrong. 

Resilience and determination: Programming is like being on an emotional roller coaster. Getting a program right is full of highs and lows. You think it is working and then the last test you run shows a deep flaw. Back to the drawing board. As a novice learning it is even worse. The learning curve is steep as programming is a complex skill. That means there are lots of lows and seemingly insurmountable highs. At the start it can seem impossible to get a program to even compile never mind run. You have to keep going. You have to be determined. You have to be resilient to take all the knocks.

Focussed interest. Writing a program takes time and you have to focus. Stop and come back later and it will be so much harder to continue and to avoid making mistakes. Decomposition is a way to break the overall task into smaller subtasks, so methods to code, and that helps, once you have the skill. However, even then being able to maintain your focus to finish each method, so each subtask, makes the programming job much easier.

Pattern recognition: Human expertise in anything ultimately comes down to pattern matching new situations against old. It is the way our brains work. Expert chess players pattern match situations to tell them what to do, and so do firefighters in a burning building. So do expert programmers. Initially programming is about learning the meaning of programming constructs and how to use them, problem solving every step of the way. That is why the learning curve is so steep. As you gain experience though it becomes more about pattern matching: realising what a particular program needs at this point and how it is similar to something you have seen before then matching it to one of many standard template solutions. Then you just whip out the template and adapt it to fit. Spot something is essentially a search task and you whip out a search algorithm to solve it. Need to process a 2 dimensional array – you just need the rectangular for loop solution. Once you can do that kind of pattern matching, programming becomes much, much simpler.

Creativity and doing things in novel ways: Writing a program is an act of creation, so just like arts and crafts involves creativity. Just writing a program is one kind of creativity, coming up with an idea for a program or spotting a need no one else has noticed so you can write a program that fills that need requires great creativity of a slightly different kind. So does coming up with a novel solution once you have a novel problem. Developing new algorithms is all about thinking up a novel way of solving a problem and that of course takes creativity. Designing interfaces that are aesthetically pleasing but make a task easier to do takes creativity. If you can think about a problem in a different way to everyone else, then likely you will come up with different solutions no one else thought of.

Problem solving and analytical minds: Programming is problem solving on steroids. Being able to think analytically is an important part of problem solving and is especially powerful if combined with creativity (see above). You need to be able to analyse a problem, come up with creative solutions and be able to analyse what is the best way of solving it from those creative solutions. Being analytical helps with solid testing too.

Visual thinking: research suggests those with good visual, spatial thinking skills make good programmers. The reasons are not clear, but good programs are all about clear structure, so it may be that the ability to easily see the structure of programs and manipulate them in your head is part of it. That is part of the idea of block-based programming languages like Scratch and why they are used as a way into programming for young children. The structure of the program is made visual. Some paradigms of programming are also naturally more visual. In particular object-oriented programming sees programs as objects that send messages to each other and that is something that can naturally be visualised. As programs become bigger that ability to still visualise the separate parts and how they work as a whole  is a big advantage.

A methodological approach: Novice programmers just tinker and hack programs together. Expert programmers design them. Many people never seem to get beyond the hacking stage, struggling with the idea of following a method to design first, yet it is vital if you are to engineer serious programs that work. That doesn’t mean that programming is just following methods, tinkering can be part of the problem solving and coming up with creative ideas, but it should be used within rigorous methodology not instead of it. More time is also spent by good programming teams testing programs as writing them, and that takes rigorous methods to do well too. Software engineering is all about following rigorous methods precisely because it is the only way to develop real programs that work and are fit for purpose. Vast amounts of software written is never used because it is useless. Rigorous methods give a way to avoid many of the problems.

Logical thinking: Being able to think clearly and logically is core to programming. It combines some of the things above like attention to detail, and thinking clearly and methodologically. Writing programs is essentially the practice of applied logic as logic underpins the semantics (ie meaning) of programming languages and so programs. You have to think logically when writing programs, when testing them and when debugging them. Computers are machines built from logic and you need to think in part like a computer to get it to do what you want. A key part of good programming is doing code walkthroughs – as a team stepping through what a program does line by line. That requires clear logical thinking to think in teh steps the computer performs.

I could go on, but will leave it there. The positives that neurodiverse people might have are very strongly positives for becoming a good programmer. That is why some of the best students I’ve had the privilege to teach have been neurodiverse students.

Different people, neurodiverse or otherwise, will start with different positives, different weaknesses. People start in different places for different reasons, some ahead, some behind. I liked doing puzzles as a child, so spent my childhood devouring logic and algorithmic puzzles. That meant when I first tried to learn to program, I found it fairly easy. I had built important skills and knowledge and had become a good logical thinker and problem solver just for fun. I learnt to program for fun. That meant it was if I’d started way beyond the starting line in the race to become a programmer. Many neurodiverse people do the same, if for different reasons.

Other skills I’ve needed as a computer scientist I have had to work hard on and develop strategies to overcome. I am a shy introvert. However, I need to both network and give presentations as a computer scientist (and ultimately now I give weekly lectures to hundreds at a time as an academic computer scientist). For that I had to practice, learn theory about good presentation and perhaps most importantly, given how paralysing my shyness was, devise a strategy to overcome that natural weakness. I did find a strategy – I developed an act. I have a fake extrovert persona that I act out. I act being that other person in these situations where I can’t otherwise cope, so it is not me you see giving presentations and lectures but my fake persona. Weaknesses can be overcome, even if they mean you start far behind the starting line. Of course, some weaknesses and ways we’ve built the world mean we may not be able to overcome the problems, and not everyone wants to be a computer scientist anyway so has the desire to. What matters is finding the future that matches your positives and interests, and where you can overcome the weaknesses where you set your mind to it.

Programming is not about born talent though (nothing is). We all have strengths and weaknesses and we can all become better by practicing and finding strategies that work for us, building upon our strengths and working on our weaknesses, especially when we have the help of a great teacher (or have help to change the way the world works so the weaknesses vanish).

My list above gives some of the key personal characteristics you need to work on improving (however good at them you are or are not right now) If you do want to be a good programmer. Anyone can become better at programming than they are if they have that desire. What matters is that you want to learn, are willing to put the practice in, can develop strategies to overcome your initial weaknesses, and you don’t give up. Neurodiverse people often have a head start on those personal attributes for becoming good at new things too.

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The top 10 bugs

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

(updated from the archive)

Bugs are everywhere, but why not learn from the mistakes of others. Here are some common bugs with examples of how they led to it all going terribly wrong.

The bugs of others show how solid testing, code walkthroughs, formal reasoning and other methods for preventing bugs really matter. In the examples below the consequences were massive, but none of these bugs should have made it to final systems, whatever the consequences.

Here then is my personal countdown of the top 10 bugs to learn from.

BUG 10: Divide by Zero

USS Yorktown (from wikipedia)

The USS Yorktown was used as a testbed for a new generation of “smart” ship. On 21 September 1997, its propulsion system failed leaving it “dead in the water” for 3 hours. It tried to divide by zero after a crew member input a 0 where no 0 should have been, crashing every computer on the ship’s network.

Moral: Input validation matters a lot and there are some checks you should know should be done as standard.

BUG 9: Arithmetic Overflow

Boeing 787 Dreamliner
From Wikipedia Author
pjs2005 from Hampshire, UK
From Wikipedia Author pjs2005 from Hampshire, UK CC BY-SA 2.0

Keep adding to an integer variable and you run out of bits. Suddenly you have a small number not the bigger one expected. This was one bug in the Therac-25 radiation therapy machine that killed patients. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner had the same problem. Fly for more than 248 days and it would switch off.

Moral: Always have checks for overflow and underflow, and if it might matter then you need something better than a fixed but-length number.

BUG 8: Timing Problems

Three telephone handsets on pavement.
Image by Alexa from Pixabay

AT&T lost $60 million the day the phones died (all of them). It was a result of changing a few lines of working code. Things happened too fast for the program. The telephone switches reset but were told they needed to reset again before they’d finished, … and so on.

Moral: even small code changes need thorough testing…and timing matters but needs extra special care.

BUG 6.99999989: Wrong numbers in a lookup table

Intel Pentium chip
Konstantin Lanzet – CPU Collection Konstantin Lanzet CC BY-SA 3.0

Intel’s Pentium chip turned out not to be able to divide properly. It was due to a wrong entry in a lookup table. Intel set aside $475 million to cover replacing the flawed processors. Some chips were turned in to key rings.

Moral: Data needs to be thoroughly checked not just instructions.

BUG 6: Wrong units

Artist's impression of the Mars Climate orbiter from wikipedia

The Mars Climate Orbiter spent 10 months getting to Mars …where it promptly disintegrated. It passed too close to the planet’s atmosphere. The programmers assumed numbers were in pound-force seconds when they were actually in newton-seconds.

Moral: Clear documentation (including comments) really does matter.

BUG 5: Non-terminating loop

The spinning pizza of death is common. Your computer claims to be working hard, and puts up a progress symbol like a spinning wheel…forever. There are lots of ways that this happens. The simple version is that the program has entered a loop in a way that means the test to continue is never false. This took on a greater spin in the Fujitsu-UK Post Office Horizon system where bugs triggered the biggest ever miscarriage of justice. Hundreds of post masters were accused of stealing money because Horizon said they had. One of many bugs was that mid-transaction, the Horizon terminal could freeze. However, while in this infinite loop hitting any key duplicated the transaction, subtracting money again for every key press, not just the once for the stamp being bought.

Moral: Clear loop structure matters – where loops only exit via of one clear (and reasoned correct) condition.

BUG 4: Storing a big number in a small space

Arianespace’s Ariane 5 rocket Photo Credit: (NASA/Chris Gunn) from wikipedia. Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic

The first Ariane 5 rocket exploded at a cost of $500 million 40 seconds after lift-off. Despite $7 billion spent on the rocket, the program stored a 64 bit floating point number in to a variable that could only hold a 16 bit integer.

Moral: Strong type systems are there to help not hinder. Use languages without them at your peril.

BUG 3: Memory Leak

Memory leaks (forgetting to free up space when done with) are responsible for many computer problems. The Firefox browser had one. It was infamous because Firefox (implausibly) claimed their program had no memory leaks.

Moral: If your language doesn’t use a garbage collector then you need to be extra careful about memory management.

BUG 2: Null pointer errors

 Photograph by Rama, Wikimedia Commons, Cc-by-sa-2.0-fr

Tony Hoare who invented the null pointer (a pointer that points nowhere) called it his “billion-dollar” mistake because programmers struggle to cope with it. Null pointer bugs crash computers, give hackers ways in and generally cause chaos.

Moral: Avoid null pointers and do not rely on just remembering to check for them.

BUG 1: Buffer overflow

The Morris Worm, an early Internet worm, came close to shutting down the Internet. It used a buffer overflow bug in network software to move from computer to computer shutting them down. Data was stored in a buffer but store too much and it would just be placed in the next avaialbale location in memory so could overwrite the program with new code.

Moral: Array-like data structures need extra care. Always triple check bounds are correct and that the code ensures overflows cannot happen

BUG 0: Buffer overflow

Lift buttons 0, 1 2, 3
Image by Coombesy from Pixabay

Arrays in many languages start from position 0. This means the last position is one less than the length of the array. Get it wrong… as every novice (and expert) programmer does at some point … and you run off the end. Oddly (in Europe), we have no problem in a lift pressing 1 to go to the second floor up. In other situations, count from 0 and you do one too many things. Did I say 10 bugs…OOPS!

Moral: Think hard about every loop counter in your program.

The number 1 moral from all of this is that thorough testing matters a lot. Just trying a program a few times is not enough. In fact thorough testing is not enough either. You also need code walkthroughs, clear logical thinking about your code, formal reasoning tools where they exist, strong type systems, good commenting, and more. Most of all programmers need to understand their code will NOT be correct and they must put lots of effort into finding bugs if crucial ones are not to be missed. knowing the kinds of mistakes everyone makes, and being extra vigilant about them, is a good start.

And that is the end of my top 10 bugs…until the next arrogant, over-confident programmer causes the next catastrophe.

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Do something computationally funny for money

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

It is Red nose day in the UK  the day of raising money for the comic relief charity by buying and wearing red noses and generally doing silly things for money.

Red noses are not just for red nose day though and if you ‘ve been supporting it every year, you possibly now have a lot of red noses like we do. What can you do with lots of red noses? Well one possibility is to count in red nose binary as a family or group of friends. (Order your red noses (a family pack has 4 or a school pack 25) from comic relief or make a donation to the charity there.)

A red nose

Red nose binary

Let’s suppose you are a family of four. All stand in a line holding your red noses (you may want to set up a camera to film this). How many numbers can 4 red noses represent? See if you can work it out first. Then start counting:

  • No one wearing a red nose is 0,
  • the rightmost end person puts theirs on for 1,
  • they take it off and the next person puts theirs on for 2,
  • the first person puts theirs back on for 3,
  • the first two people take their noses off and the third person puts theirs on for 4
  • and so on…

The pattern we are following is the first (rightmost end) person changes their nose every time we count. The second person has the nose off for 2 then on for the next 2 counts. The third person changes theirs every fourth count (nose off for 4 then on for 4) and the last person changes theirs every eighth count (off for 8, on for 8). That gives a unique nose pattern every step of the way until eventually all the noses are off again and you have counted all the way from 0 to 15. This is exactly the pattern of binary that computers use (except they use 1s and 0s rather than wear red noses).

What is the biggest number you get to before you are back at 0? It is 15. Here is what the red nose binary pattern looks like.

The binary sequence in faces wearing red noses

Try and count in red nose binary like this putting on and taking off red noses as fast as you can, following the pattern without making mistakes!

The numbers we have put at the top of each column are how much a red nose is worth in that column. You could write the number of the column on that person’s red nose to make this obvious. In our normal decimal way of counting, digits in each column are worth 10 times as much (1s 10s 100s, 1000s, etc) Here we are doing the same but with 2s (1s 2s 4s 8s etc). You can work out what a number represents just by adding that column number in if there is a red nose there. You ignore it if there is no red nose. So for example 13 is made up of an 8s red nose + a 4s red nose + a 1s red nose. 8 + 4 + 1 = 13.

13 in red nose binary with the 8, the 4 and the 1 red nose all worn.

Add one more person (perhaps the dog if they are a friendly dog willing to put up with this sort of thing) with a red nose (now worth 16) to the line and how many more numbers does that now mean you can count up to? Its not just one more. You can now go through the whole original sequence twice once with the dog having no red nose, once with them having a red nose. So you can now count all the way from 0 to 31. Each time you add a new person (or pet*, though goldfish don’t tend to like it) with a red nose, you double the number you can count up to.

There is lots more you can do once you can count in red nose binary. Do red nose binary addition with three lines of friends with red noses, representing two numbers to add and compute the answer on the third line perhaps… for that you need to learn how to carry a red nose from one person to the next! Or play the game of Nim using red nose binary to work out your moves (it is the sneaky way mathematicians and computer scientists use to work out how to always win). You can even build a working computer (a Turing Machine) out of people wearing red noses…but perhaps we will save that for next year.

What else can you think of to do with red nose binary?

*Always make sure your pet (or other family member) has given written consent before you put a red nose on them for ethical counting.

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Calculating Pi for Pi Day

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

Pi symbol as a sculpture against a blue sky with digits written across it
Image by Naji Habib from Pixabay

Today is Pi Day (14 March: 3.14) so we should look at how on earth you compute a number like Pi (3.1.4159….). It has an infinite number of digits containing no repeating pattern so you can never tie it down exactly. One of my favourite ways for calculating pi was first devised by the Indian mathematician Mādhava of Sangamagrāma 600 years ago. He worked out an algorithm for working out Pi based on the maths of infinite series that he had also worked out.

Pi is one of the most useful numbers in all of maths. In school you come across it when working out the area or circumference of a circle, but it crops up all over the place including in practical computer science situations. Digital music, for example, relies on it deep down. Remember that the next time you stream your favourite music!

So how, 600 years ago did Mādhava manage to work out a much more accurate version of Pi than anyone before him? He had worked out that certain sequences of infinite numbers wouldn’t get bigger and bigger but would just get closer and closer to some specific number. In particular, he worked out one such sequence linked to pi.

π / 4 = 1 – 1/3 + 1/5 – 1/7 + 1/9 – …

Writing this a slightly different way it gives us a way of calculating pi itself

π = 4 – 4/3 + 4/5 – 4/7 + 4/9 – …

With an infinite number of terms, this gives an accurate value for pi. We can’t add an infinite number of numbers together though. Instead we can use it to get a good answer. To get an approximation to pi we just follow an algorithm where we gradually add / subtract the next term. Each new calculation then gives us a better estimate of what pi is.

So to start with we just take the first term which says

π = 4 (very approximately)

That isn’t very good as it doesn’t get any digits right! Pi is closer to 3 than to 4. So its not looking hopeful! That doesn’t matter though as it is just a starting point. When we subtract the next term it gets a bit better

π = 4 – 4/3 = 2.6666…

Hmm. Now we have overshot the other way. However, we are closer to the real value of pi than we were. So don’t lose heart, keep going and add the next term

π = 4 – 4/3 + 4/5 = 3.46666…

And another term …

π = 4 – 4/3 + 4/5 – 4/7 = 2.895 …

And another term …

π = 4 – 4/3 + 4/5 – 4/7 + 4/9 = 3.339…

and so on.

The important thing to notice is that after each term included we get a more accurate answer, and we can keep adding terms for as long as we are happy to do the calculations. Mādhava (or his followers) obviously liked doing calculations so kept going until he had worked out pi accurate to 10 decimal places (3.1415926535…) : a new world record at the time beating the previous best of 6 decimal places by a Chinese astronomer Zhao Youqin using a different algorithm, That record had been set 80 years earlier but was smashed by 4 decimal places. This new record lasted for another 96 years. In doing these calculations Mādhava was acting as a ‘computer’ in the original meaning of the word: a human following an algorithm to do computation.

His algorithm is what computer scientists call an iterative algorithm. This kind of algorithm is used quite a lot by computer scientists as it gives a general way of getting a good enough (if not perfect) answer to a problem that otherwise is hard (or impossible) to get a perfect answer to in a reasonable time. You start with a good guess and then gradually refine the answer until you are happy that it is accurate enough. These algorithms can be straightforward to code as it is just running a loop doing calculations that refine the answer. Mādhava was happy with 10 decimal places of accuracy but he could have kept going. The trouble is this is a very slow algorithm. As we saw with the first few iterations above, it takes a long time even to home in on the first digit being 3! Every new digit took a lot of extra work to get right. When calculating machines and then computers were invented it became easier to use slow algorithms like this, but even with a faster computer it is still better to have a faster algorithm. Now far faster algorithms have been invented and the world record at the time of writing gives pi accurate to 105,000,000,000,000 decimal places!

Mādhava would have needed to really like doing calculations (and have discovered the secret to eternal life) to have calculated pi that accurately. 600 years ago his world record for pi was still an amazing achievement.

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Could AI end science?

by Nick Ballou, Oxford Internet Institute

The contents of a book burning
Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay

Scientific fraud is worryingly common, though rarely talked about. It has been happening for years, but now Artificial Intelligence programs could supercharge it. If they do that could undermine Science itself.

Investigators of scientific fraud have found that large numbers of researchers have manipulated their results, invented data, or even produced nonsensical papers in the hope that no one will look closely enough to notice. Often, no one does. The problem is that science is built on the foundation of all the research that has gone before. If we can no longer trust that past research is legitimate, the whole system of science begins to break down. AI has the potential to supercharge this process.

We’re not at that point yet, luckily. But there are concerning signs that generative AI systems like ChatGPT and DALLE-E might bring us closer. By using AI technology, producing fraudulent research has never been easier, faster, or more convincing. To understand, let’s first look at how scientific fraud has been done in the past. 

How fraud happens 

Until recently, fraudsters would need to go through some difficult steps to get a fraudulent research paper published. A typical example might look like this: 

Step 1: invent a title

Fraudsters look for a popular but very broad research topic. We’ll take an example of a group of fraudsters known as the Tadpole Paper Mill. They published papers about cellular biology. To choose a new paper to create, the group would essentially use a simple generator, or algorithm, based on a template. This uses a simple technique first used by Christopher Strachey to write love letters in an early “creative” program in the 1950s.

For each “hole” in the template a word is chosen from a word list.

  1. Pick the name of a molecule
    • Either a protein name, a drug name or an RNA molecule name
    • eg mir-488
  2. Pick a verb
    • From alleviates, attenuates, exerts, …
    • eg inhibits
  3. Pick one or two cellular processes
    • From invasion, migration, proliferation, …
    • eg cell growth and metastasis
  4. Pick a cancer or cell type
    • From lung cancer, ovarian cancer, …
    • eg renal cell carcinoma
  5. Pick a connector word
    • From by, via, through, …
    • eg by
  6. Pick a verb
    • From activating, targeting, …
    • eg targeting
  7. Pick a name
    • Either a pathway, protein or miRNA molecule name
    • eg hMgn5

This produces a complicated-sounding title such as “mir-488 inhibits cell growth and metastasis in renal cell carcinoma by targeting hMgn5”. This is the name of a real fraudulent paper created this way.

Step 2: write the paper

Next, the fraudsters create the text of the paper. To do this, they often just plagiarise and lightly edit previous similar papers, substituting key words in from their invented title perhaps. To try to hide the plagiarism, they automatically swap out words, replacing them with synonyms. This often leads to ridiculous (and kind of hilarious) replacements, like these found in plagiarised papers: 

  • “Big data” –> “Colossal information” 
  • “Cloud computing” –> “Haze figuring”
  • “Developing countries” –> “Creating nations”
  • “Kidney failure” –> “Kidney disappointment”

Step 3: add in the results

Lastly, the fraudsters need to create results for the fake study. These usually appear in papers in the form of images and graphs. To do this, the fraudsters take the results from several previous papers and recombine them into something that looks mostly real, but is just a Frankenstein mess of other results that have nothing to do with the current paper.

A new paper is born

Using that simple formula, fraudsters have produced thousands of fabricated articles in the last 10 years. Even after a vast amount of effort, the dedicated volunteers who are trying to clean up the mess have only caught a handful. 

However, committing fraud like this successfully isn’t exactly easy, either: the fraudsters still need to come up with a research idea, write the paper themselves without copying too much from previous research, and make up results that look convincing—at least at first glance. 

AI: Adding fuel to the fire 

So what happens when we add modern generative AI programs into the mix? They are Artificial Intelligence programs like ChatGPT or DALL-E that can create text or pictures for you based on written requests. 

Well, the quality of the fraud goes up, and the difficulty of producing it goes way down. This is true for both text and images.

Let’s start with text. Just now, I asked ChatGPT-4 to “write the first two paragraphs of a research paper on a cutting edge topic in psychology.” I then asked it to “write a fake results table that shows a positive relationship between climate change severity and anxiety”. I won’t copy the whole thing—in part because I encourage you to try this yourself to see how it works (not to actually create a fake paper!)—but here’s a sample of what it came up with: 

“As the planet faces increasing temperatures, extreme weather events, and environmental degradation, the mental health repercussions for populations worldwide become a crucial area of investigation. Understanding these effects is vital for developing strategies to support communities in coping with the psychological challenges posed by a changing climate.”

An AI generated bar chart of fake results

As someone who has written many psychology research papers, I would find these results very difficult to identify as AI-generated—it looks and sounds very similar to how people in my field write, and it even generated Python code to analyse the fake data. I’d need to take a really close look at the origin of the data and so on to figure out that it’s fraudulent. 

But that’s a lot of work required from me as a fraud-buster. For the fraudster, doing this takes about 1 minute, and would not be detected by any plagiarism software in the way previous kinds of fraud can be. In fact, this might only be detected if the fraudsters make a sloppy mistake, like leaving in a disclaimer from the model as in the paper caught below! 

Twitter post pointing out text "Please note that asan AI language model..." included in a published paper.

Generative AIs are not close to human intelligence, at least not yet. So, why are they so good at producing convincing scientific research, something that’s commonly seen as one of the most difficult things humans can do? Two reasons play a big part: (1) scientific research is very structured, and (2) there’s a lot of training data. In any given field of research, most papers tend to look pretty similar—an introduction section, a method describing what the researchers did, a results section with a few tables and figures, and a discussion that links it back to the wider research field. Many journals even require a fixed structure. Generative AI programs work using Machine Learning – they learn from data and the more data they are given the better they become. Give a machine learning program millions of images of cats, telling it that is what they are, and it can become very good at recognising cats. Give it millions of images of dogs and it will be able to recognise dogs too. With roughly 3 million scientific papers published every year, generative AI systems are really good at taking these many, many examples of what a scientific report looks like, and producing similar sounding, and similarly structured pieces of text. They do it by predicting what word, sentence and paragraph would be good to come next based on probabilities calculated from all those examples.

Trusting future research

Most research can still be trusted, and the vast majority of scientists are working as hard as they can to advance human knowledge. Nonetheless, we all need to look carefully at research studies to ensure that they are legitimate, and we should be on extra alert as generative AI becomes even more powerful and widespread. We also need to think about how to improve universities and research culture generally, so that people don’t feel like they need to commit scientific fraud—something that usually happens because people are desperate to get or keep a job, or be seen as successful and reap the rewards. Somehow we need to change the game so that fraud no longer pays.

What do you think? Do you have ideas for how we can prevent fraud from happening in the first place, and how can we better detect it when it does occur? It is certainly an important new research topic. Find a solution and you could do massive good. If we don’t find solutions then we could lose the most successful tool human-kind has ever invented that makes all our lives better.

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A visit to the Turing Machine: a short story

by Greg Michaelson

Greg Michaelson is an Emeritus professor of computer science at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. He is also a novelist and a short story writer.

From the cs4fn archive.

Burning City
Image by JL G from Pixabay

“Come on!” called Alice, taking the coat off the peg. “We’re going to be late!”

“Do I have to?” said Henry, emerging from the front room.

“Yes,” said Alice, handing him the coat. “Of course you have to go. Here. Put this on.”

“But we’re playing,” said Henry, wrestling with the sleeves.

“Too bad,” said Alice, straightening the jacket and zipping it up. “It’ll still be there when we get back.”

“Not if someone knocks it over,” said Henry, picking up a small model dinosaur from the hall table. “Like last time. Why can’t we have electric games like you did?”

“Electronic games,” said Alice, doing up her buttons. “Not electric. No one has them anymore. You know that.”

“Were they really digital?” asked Henry, fiddling with the dinosaur.

“Yes,” said Alice, putting on her hat. “Of course they were digital.”

“But the telephone’s all right,” said Henry.

“Yes,” said Alice, checking her makeup in the mirror. “It’s analogue.”

“And radio. And record players. And tape recorders. And television,” said Henry.

“They’re all analogue now,” said Alice, putting the compact back into her handbag. “Anything analogue’s fine. Just not digital. Stop wasting time! We’ll be late.”

“Why does it matter if we’re late?” asked Henry, walking the dinosaur up and down the hall table.

“They’ll notice,” said Alice. “We don’t want to get another warning. Put that away. Come on.”

“Why don’t the others have to go?” asked Henry, palming the dinosaur.

“They went last Sunday,” said Alice, opening the front door. “You said you didn’t want to go. We agreed I’d take you today instead.”

“Och, granny, it’s so boring…” said Henry.

They left the house and walked briskly to the end of the street. Then they crossed the deserted park, following the central path towards the squat neo-classical stone building on the far side.

“Get a move on!” said Alice, quickening the pace. “We really are going to be late.”


Henry really hadn’t paid enough attention at school. He knew that Turing Machines were named for Alan Turing, the first Martyr of the Digital Age. And he knew that a Turing Machine could work out sums, a bit like a school child doing arithmetic. Only instead of a pad of paper and a pencil, a Turing Machine used a tape of cells. And instead of rows of numbers and pluses and minuses on a page, a Turing Machine could only put one letter on each cell, though it could change a letter without having to actually rub it out. And instead of moving between different places on a piece of paper whenever it wanted to, and maybe doodling in between the sums, a Turing Machine could only move the tape left and right one cell at a time. But just like a school child getting another pad from the teacher when they ran out of paper, the Turing Machine could somehow add another empty cell whenever it got to the end of the tape.


When they reached the building, they mounted the stone staircase and entered the antechamber through the central pillars. Just inside the doorway, Alice gave their identity cards to the uniformed guard.

“I see you’re a regular,” she said approvingly to Alice, checking the ledger. “But you’re not,” sternly to Henry.

Henry stared at his shoes.

“Don’t leave it so long, next time,” said the guard, handing the cards back to Alice. “In you go. They’re about to start. Try not to make too much noise.”

Hand in hand, Alice and Henry walked down the broad corridor towards the central shrine. On either side, glass cases housed electronic equipment. Computers. Printers. Scanners. Mobile phones. Games consoles. Laptops. Flat screen displays.

The corridor walls were lined with black and white photographs. Each picture showed a scene of destitution from the Digital Age.

Shirt sleeved stock brokers slumped in front of screens of plunging share prices. Homeless home owners queued outside a state bank soup kitchen. Sunken eyed organic farmers huddled beside mounds of rotting vegetables. Bulldozers shovelled data farms into land fill. Lines of well armed police faced poorly armed protestors. Bodies in bags lay piled along the walls of the crematorium. Children scavenged for toner cartridges amongst shattered office blocks.

Alice looked straight ahead: the photographs bore terrible memories. Henry dawdled, gazing longingly into the display cases: Gameboy. Playstation. X Box…

“Come on!” said Alice, sotto voce, tugging Henry away from the displays.

At the end of the corridor, they let themselves into the shrine. The hall was full. The hall was quiet.


Henry was actually quite good at sums, and he knew he could do them because he had rules in his head for adding and subtracting, because he’d learnt his tables. The Turing Machine didn’t have a head at all, but it did have rules which told it what to do next. Groups of rules that did similar things were called states, so all the rules for adding were kept separately from all the rules for subtracting. Every step of a Turing machine sum involved finding a rule in the state it was working on to match the letter on the tape cell it was currently looking at. That rule would tell the Machine how to change the symbol on the tape, which way to move the tape, and maybe to change state to a different set of rules.


On the dais, lowered the Turing Machine, huge coils of tape links disappearing into the dark wells on either side, the vast frame of the state transition engine filling the rear wall. In front of the Turing Machine, the Minister of State stood at the podium.

“Come in! Come in!” he beamed at Alice and Henry. “There’s lots of space at the front. Don’t be shy.”

Red faced, Alice hurried Henry down the aisle. At the very front of the congregation, they sat down cross legged on the floor beneath the podium.

“My friends,” began the Minister of State. “Welcome. Welcome indeed! Today is a special day. Today, the Machine will change state. But first, let us be silent together. Please rise.”

The Minister of State bowed his head as the congregation shuffled to its feet.


According to Henry’s teacher, there was a different Turing Machine for every possible sum in the world. The hard bit was working out the rules. That was called programming, but, since the end of the Digital Age, programming was against the law. Unless you were a Minister of State.


“Dear friends,” intoned the Minister of State, after a suitable pause. “We have lived through terrible times. Times when Turing’s vision of equality between human and machine intelligences was perverted by base greed. Times when humans sought to bend intelligent machines to their selfish wills for personal gain. Times when, instead of making useful things that would benefit everybody, humans invented and sold more and more rarefied abstractions from things: shares, bonds, equities, futures, derivatives, options…”


The Turing Machine on the dais was made from wood and brass. It was extremely plain, though highly polished. The tape was like a giant bicycle chain, with holes in the centre of each link. The Machine could plug a peg into a hole to represent a one or pull a peg out to represent a zero. Henry knew that any information could be represented by zeros and ones, but it took an awful lot of them compared with letters.


“… Soon there were more abstractions than things, and all the wealth embodied in the few things that the people in poor countries still made was stolen away, to feed the abstractions made by the people in the rich countries. None of this would have been possible without computers…”


The state transition unit that held the rules was extremely complicated. Each rule was a pattern of pegs, laid out in rows on a great big board. A row of spring mounted wooden fingers moved up and down the pegs. When they felt the rule for the symbol on the tape cell link, they could trigger the movement of a peg in or out of the link, and then release the brakes to start up one revolution of the enormous cog wheels that would shift the tape one cell left or right.

A stone looking like a scared face
Image by Dean Moriarty from Pixabay


“…With all the computers in the world linked together by the Internet, humans no longer had to think about how to manage things, about how best to use them for the greatest good. Instead, programs that nobody understood anymore made lightening decisions, moving abstractions from low profits to high profits, turning the low profits into losses on the way, never caring how many human lives were ruined…”


The Turing Machine was powered by a big brass and wooden handle connected to a gear train. The handle needed lots of turns to find and apply the next rule. At the end of the ceremony, the Minister of State would always invite a member of the congregation to come and help him turn the handle. Henry always hoped he’d be chosen.


“…Turing himself thought that computers would be a force for untold good; that, guided by reason, computers could accomplish anything humans could accomplish. But before his vision could be fully realised, he was persecuted and poisoned by a callous state interested only in secrets and profits. After his death, the computer he helped design was called the Pilot Ace; just as the pilot guides the ship, so the Pilot Ace might have been the best guide for a true Digital Age…”


Nobody was very sure where all the cells were stored when the Machine wasn’t inspecting them. Nobody was very sure how new cells were added to the ends of the tape. It all happened deep under the dais. Some people actually thought that the tape was infinite, but Henry knew that wasn’t possible as there wasn’t enough wood and brass to make it that long.


“…But almost sixty years after Turing’s needless death, his beloved universal machines had bankrupted the nations of the world one by one, reducing their peoples to a lowest common denominator of abject misery. Of course, the few people that benefited from the trade in abstractions tried to make sure that they weren’t affected but eventually even they succumbed…”


Nobody seemed to know what the Turing Machine on the dais was actually computing. Well, the Minister of State must have known. And Turing had never expected anyone to actually build a real Turing Machine with real moving parts. Turing’s machine was a thought experiment for exploring what could and couldn’t be done by following rules to process sequences of symbols.


“…For a while, everything stopped. There were power shortages. There were food shortages. There were medical shortages. People rioted. Cities burned. Panicking defence forces used lethal force to suppress the very people they were supposed to protect. And then, slowly, people remembered that it was possible to live without abstractions, by each making things that other people wanted, by making best use of available resources for the common good…”


The Turing Machine on the dais was itself a symbol of human folly, an object lesson in futility, a salutary reminder that embodying something in symbols didn’t make it real.


“…My friends, let us not forget the dreadful events we have witnessed. Let us not forget all the good people who have perished so needlessly. Let us not forget the abject folly of abstraction. Let the Turing Machine move one step closer along the path of its unknown computation. Let the Machine change its state, just as we have had to change ours. Please rise.”

The congregation got to their feet and looked expectantly at the Minister of State. The Minister of State slowly inspected the congregation. Finally, his eyes fixed on Henry, fidgeting directly in front of him.

“Young man,” he beamed at Henry. “Come. Join me at the handle. Together we shall show that Machine that we are all its masters.”

Henry looked round at his grandmother.

“Go on,” she mouthed. “Go on.”

Henry walked round to the right end of the dais. As he mounted the wooden stairs, he noticed a second staircase leading down behind the Machine into the bowels of the dais.

“Just here,” said the Minister of State, leading Henry round behind the handle, so they were both facing the congregation. “Take a good grip…”

Henry was still clasping the plastic dinosaur in his right hand. He put the dinosaur on the nearest link of the chain and placed both hands on the worn wooden shaft.

And turn it steadily…”

Henry leant into the handle, which, much to his surprise, moved freely, sweeping the wooden fingers across the pegs of rules on the state transition panel. As the fingers settled on a row of pegs, a brass prod descended from directly above the chain, forcing the wooden peg out of its retaining hole in the central link. Finally, the chain slowly began to shift from left to right, across the front of the Machine, towards Henry and the Minister of State. As the chain moved, the plastic dinosaur toppled over and tumbled down the tape well.

“Oh no!” cried Henry, letting go of the handle. Utterly nonplussed, the Minister of State stood and stared as Henry peered into the shaft, rushed to the back of the Machine and hurried down the stairs into the gloom.

A faint blue glow came from the far side of the space under the dais. Henry cautiously approached the glow, which seemed to come from a small rectangular source, partly obscured by someone in front of it.

“Please,” said Henry. “Have you seen my dinosaur?”

“Hang on!” said a female voice.

The woman stood up and lit a candle. Looking round, Henry could now see that the space was festooned with wires, leading into electric motors driving belts connected to the Turing Machine. The space was implausibly small. There was no room for a finite tape of any length at all, let alone an infinite one.

“Where are all the tape cells?” asked Henry, puzzled.

“We only need two spare ones,” said the woman. “When the tape moves, we stick a new cell on one end and take the cell off the other.”

“So what’s the blue light?” asked Henry.

“That’s a computer,” said the woman. “It keeps track of what’s on the tape and controls the Turing Machine.”

“A real digital computer!” said Henry in wonder. “Does it play games?”

“Oh yes!” said the woman, turning off the monitor as the Minister of State came down the stairs. “What do you think I was doing when you showed up? But don’t tell anyone. Now, let’s find that dinosaur.”

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