Like science & tech? Maybe thinking about careers in it? Come to our FREE online Science Festival on Monday (24th June)

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The Barts and Queen Mary Science Festival has been running since 2011 and is a FREE family-friendly event with talks aimed at older secondary school pupils but all are welcome. There is a focus on career options and the event covers medicine, dentistry and health but a couple of the talks are also about technology and computing (specifically human-computer interaction) so if you’re a regular reader of this blog you might enjoy those in particular.

If you and your classmates are interested in attending please ask your teacher to contact Jane Batchelor on for a place for any of the talks this coming Monday, 24th June 2024.

Prof Paul Curzon, who writes most of the articles here and in the CS4FN magazines, will be giving a half-hour talk from 11.25am to 12pm on Human Error and Medical Device Design (see The Illusion of Good Medical Device Design). See also the 10am technology talk too.

We have a portal on “Computing and… Medicine & Health

The full draft programme for Monday’s free science festival is below. All talks are on Teams except the last one which is on Zoom and the day finishes at 3pm.

Barts and Queen Mary Science Festival 2024

Talk 1: How Will Technology Change the Way We Practice Medicine
Tatiana Christides, Queen Mary University of London

Talk 2: Mini talk on dentistry
Community Smiles (dental student volunteers), Queen Mary University of London

Break/chance to browse website resources

11am-11.20 am
Talk 3: “Some studies show…” Trials and travels in clinical research
Ben Dowsing, Barts Health Trust

Talk 4: Human Error and Medical Device Design
Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

Break/chance to browse website resources

1.05pm – 1.30pm
Talk 5: Muscle loss after intensive care
Ashley Thomas, Barts Health Trust

Talk 6: What is Pharmacology?
Emma Taylor, Queen Mary University of London

Talk 7: Talk about the William Harvey Heart Centre (details tba)
David Collier, Queen Mary University of London

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EPSRC supports this blog through research grant EP/W033615/1.

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