Do something computationally funny for money

by Paul Curzon, Queen Mary University of London

It is Red nose day in the UK  the day of raising money for the comic relief charity by buying and wearing red noses and generally doing silly things for money.

Red noses are not just for red nose day though and if you ‘ve been supporting it every year, you possibly now have a lot of red noses like we do. What can you do with lots of red noses? Well one possibility is to count in red nose binary as a family or group of friends. (Order your red noses (a family pack has 4 or a school pack 25) from comic relief or make a donation to the charity there.)

A red nose

Red nose binary

Let’s suppose you are a family of four. All stand in a line holding your red noses (you may want to set up a camera to film this). How many numbers can 4 red noses represent? See if you can work it out first. Then start counting:

  • No one wearing a red nose is 0,
  • the rightmost end person puts theirs on for 1,
  • they take it off and the next person puts theirs on for 2,
  • the first person puts theirs back on for 3,
  • the first two people take their noses off and the third person puts theirs on for 4
  • and so on…

The pattern we are following is the first (rightmost end) person changes their nose every time we count. The second person has the nose off for 2 then on for the next 2 counts. The third person changes theirs every fourth count (nose off for 4 then on for 4) and the last person changes theirs every eighth count (off for 8, on for 8). That gives a unique nose pattern every step of the way until eventually all the noses are off again and you have counted all the way from 0 to 15. This is exactly the pattern of binary that computers use (except they use 1s and 0s rather than wear red noses).

What is the biggest number you get to before you are back at 0? It is 15. Here is what the red nose binary pattern looks like.

The binary sequence in faces wearing red noses

Try and count in red nose binary like this putting on and taking off red noses as fast as you can, following the pattern without making mistakes!

The numbers we have put at the top of each column are how much a red nose is worth in that column. You could write the number of the column on that person’s red nose to make this obvious. In our normal decimal way of counting, digits in each column are worth 10 times as much (1s 10s 100s, 1000s, etc) Here we are doing the same but with 2s (1s 2s 4s 8s etc). You can work out what a number represents just by adding that column number in if there is a red nose there. You ignore it if there is no red nose. So for example 13 is made up of an 8s red nose + a 4s red nose + a 1s red nose. 8 + 4 + 1 = 13.

13 in red nose binary with the 8, the 4 and the 1 red nose all worn.

Add one more person (perhaps the dog if they are a friendly dog willing to put up with this sort of thing) with a red nose (now worth 16) to the line and how many more numbers does that now mean you can count up to? Its not just one more. You can now go through the whole original sequence twice once with the dog having no red nose, once with them having a red nose. So you can now count all the way from 0 to 31. Each time you add a new person (or pet*, though goldfish don’t tend to like it) with a red nose, you double the number you can count up to.

There is lots more you can do once you can count in red nose binary. Do red nose binary addition with three lines of friends with red noses, representing two numbers to add and compute the answer on the third line perhaps… for that you need to learn how to carry a red nose from one person to the next! Or play the game of Nim using red nose binary to work out your moves (it is the sneaky way mathematicians and computer scientists use to work out how to always win). You can even build a working computer (a Turing Machine) out of people wearing red noses…but perhaps we will save that for next year.

What else can you think of to do with red nose binary?

*Always make sure your pet (or other family member) has given written consent before you put a red nose on them for ethical counting.

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